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单词 爱莫能助

爱莫能助ài mò néng zhù

be glad (/willing) to help but powerless to render assistance; be sym pathetic but unable to help; be unable to help sb even though one wants (/would like) to; cannot offer help in spite of sympathy;feel sorry that one is not in a position to (give) help
❍ 叟大骇曰: “他家可以为力,此真~矣!”(《聊斋志异·钟生》1040) The old man looked grave and said,“Had it been anybody else’s child,I might have helped you; as it is I can do nothing.”/否则,“吾恐季孙之忧,不在颛臾,而在萧墙之内”,反动派必然是搬起石头打他们自己的脚,那时我们就~了。(《毛泽东选集》734) Otherwise,“Ji Sun’s troubles,I am afraid,will not come from Quanyu but will arise at home”; in other words,the reactionaries will be lifting a rock only to drop it on their own toes,and then we will not be able to help them even if we would like to.
❍ 对不起,实在~!(《茅盾文集》 Ⅶ—215) I’m sorry. I’d love to help you but my hands are tied!

爱莫能助ai mo neng zhu

be willing to help,but unable to do so


would like to help,but not be in a position to do so;be in no position to help

爱莫能助ài mò nénɡ zhù

指想帮助别人,但无力帮助 。willing to help but unable to do so, be sympathetic but unable to help, be glad to but powerless to render assistance





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