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单词 return
return/rɪ′tɜ:n, AmE -′tɜ:rn/ v & n

v (1)(返)回(come or go back to a former place)[II+prep(to)(from)]:~home (with sb)(和某人一起)回家;~to London (from the United States)(从美国)返回伦敦;~from a holiday in Britain/a trip in France/work 从英国度假/从法国旅行/下班归来;When will you~? 你什么时候回来?〖同〗come back,go back;〖反〗go away,leave,depart;

(2)重现(做),恢复(come or go back to a former state;start doing sth again)[II+prep(to)]:The fits/pains/symptoms have~ed. 又出现了痉挛/疼痛/那些症状。The suspicion has~ed. 疑云重现。His good humour/spirits soon~ed. 很快他的幽默/精神又恢复了。The rain/Spring/The holiday at last~ed. 终于下雨了/春天终于又来了/假期终于又到了。The situation has~ed to normal. 形势已恢复正常。~to consciousness/one's senses/life 恢复知觉/恢复理智/复活;~to power/one's gardening 重新掌权/又谈起园艺学;~to one's old life/one's old habits/one's evil way of life 又恢复以前的生活/旧习惯/堕落的生活方式;~to the problem of inflation/this central theme/this point/this subject 又谈起通货膨胀的问题/这个主题/这一点/这个题目;〖同〗resume,reappear;

(3)归(送)还,放回(give sth back to its owner;put back where it came from)[T+nT+n+prep(to),C+n+adjD+n+nD+n+prep(to)]:~the missing jewels (to sb)/the book (to the library) 归还丢失的珠宝(给某人)/书(给图书馆);~the gun to it's holster/the book to the shelf/the knife to the drawer 把枪放回枪套中/书放回书架上/刀子放回抽屉里;~(sb)the book unread/the letter unopened/the short stories in a similar fashion 将那本没有读过的书/将那封没有打开的信/以类似的方式将那部短篇小说集退还(给某人);~sb the money/the money to sb 把那些钱还给某人;〖反〗keep,hold,remove;

(4)回报(do the same thing as sb else has just done)[T+n]:~thanks/a compliment/a favour/a visit/a blow/a solute/an invitation/sb's greeting/a fire 答谢/回应赞美的话/报答(恩惠)/回访/还击/回礼/回请/回应某人的问候/开火予以反击;~sb's love/sb's affection 回报某人的爱/慈爱;~good for evil/evil for good/blow for blow/like for like 以德报怨/以怨报德/以牙还牙/以牙还牙;~sb's gaze silently/one's parents' love with contempt 对某人的凝视报以沉默/以轻蔑的态度回报父母的爱心;〖同〗give back,send back;

(5)回击球(send a ball back)[T+n]:~a shot/a service/a volley/sb's serve(乒乓球)回击/回击发球/(排球)回球/挡回某人的发球;

(6)回答说(answer;respond)[T+n]:“I don't care ,”~ed Susan.“我不在乎。”苏珊答道。

(7)申报;正式宣布(submit a report about sb or sth to sb in authority;announce a judge's or jury's decision)[T+n]:~a verdict of(not) guilty/a decision/the prisoner guilty(of murder)宣布有(无)罪/决定/该犯人有(谋杀)罪;~one's earning as $20,000 on the tax declaration/the liabilities at £3000/the details of one's income/the details of what one spent 在税单上申报自己的收入额为两万美元/申报自己的债务为3000英镑/报告自己的详细收入/报告自己支出的详情;〖同〗announce,render;

(8)产生(利润)(produce as interest or profit)[T+n]:The stocks~more than ten per cent a year. 这些股票每年获利10%以上。Selling hot dogs~s (him)about twelve per cent on his investment. 卖热狗(使他)获取投资的12%左右的利润。 〖同〗 yield,earn,provide;

(9)选举(elect or vote sb as a Member of Parliament or into office)[尤pass T+nT+n+prep(to),C+n+as]:be~ed to office/Parliament 当选担任公职/被选为议员;be~ed as MP for London Central 被选为代表伦敦中心区的议员;He was~ed by a majority of 15,479. 他以15,479票的绝对优势当选。

→ re′turnable adj 必须或可归还的;͵retur′nee n (AmE) 回国人,归国者;

n (1)(返)回(act of going or coming back to a place)[Ua~][N(to)(from)]:on (soon after/since) one's~home/to England/from abroad 在某人回家/回到英国/回国时(之后不久/以来);look forward to one's~to the country 盼望回到自己的国家;describe one's~to the home village 讲述自己回老家的经历;a triumphant~凯旋而归;a~journey/voyage/flight/ticket 回程/返航/返航/往返票;〖同〗homecoming;arriving;〖反〗leaving,departure;

(2)恢(回)复;再现((of sth)coming back or starting again)[Ua~][N(to)]:advocate a~to hand spinning/traditional grammar-translation method/old habits 提倡恢复手工纺线/传统的语法翻译法/老习惯;sb's~to power/office 某人重新掌权/担任公职;the~of better times/spring 好时光/春天的再度到来;a~of his suspicions/his doubts/his symptoms 他又怀疑了/他又怀疑了/他的症状又出现了;with the~of peace/the New Year 随着和平/新年的又一次到来;have a~of coughs/cold/fever/all illness 咳嗽/感冒/发烧/所有疾病的复发;a~of health 恢复健康;〖同〗returning,happening again;

(3)归(退)还(的东西)(giving sth back to sb;sth that is given or sent back)[CU][N(to)]:The store wouldn't accept~s. 那家商店不接受退货。the~of the books/the stolen goods/the loans (to sb)归还那些书/被盗的货物/借款(给某人);demand the~of a book 索还一本书;〖同〗returning,coming back;

(4)回报,报答 (answer or reply;act or an instance of puttingsending or carrying back)[CU]:expect no~(for one's generosity)(对自己的慷慨)不图报答;make some/a poor~for sb's kindness 报答/没有很好地报答某人的厚待;a~visit 回访;prompt~of sb's call 立即给某人回电话;

(5)申报;报告,结果(official reportlist or set of statistics;the results of sth)[C]:make/fill in an income-tax~提出/填写所得税申报单;a tax~ 税单;the election~s 选举结果报告;traffic~s on railway 铁路运载量的报告;

(6)收益,利润(yield or profit from an investment)[C,尤pl][N(on)]:small profit and quick~s 薄利多销;a 5 percent/the average~ 5%/平均利润;get a good~on the shares 靠那些股份获得了高额利润;the~s from the sale/on sb's investment/on capital 销售/某人的投资/资金的收益;bring in/yield good~s/a good~带来/产生高额利润;The bonds paid a handsome~. 这些公债付的利润可观。〖同〗profit,income,yield,interest,benefit;

(7)往返票(return ticket)[C](AmE=round trip):a single or a~单程票还是往返票;a day/weekend~当天/周末往返票;the first-class~to Tokyo 去东京一等车厢(座舱)的往返票;~fare 往返车票费;

by return (of post)(BrE) 随下批邮件寄回:They will send your tickets by~of post. 他们将随下批邮件给你寄回那些票。

in return 作为报答:He wants nothing in~. 他不要任何回报。

in return for 作为对……回报:You'll get the following benefits in~for paying contributions and taxes. 作为交纳特别税和税款的回报,您可以得到下列好处。





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