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单词 retreat
retreat/rɪ′tri:t/ vi [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/];n

vi (1)后撤(退)((esp of an army) withdraw in the face of danger or difficulty or when forced by the enemy)[II+prepI+n/prep]:Seeing the big dog ,the tramp~ed rapidly. 见到那条大狗,那流浪汉急忙朝后退。The soldiers (army/enemy)~ed into the hill/from the ruined fortress/from the field of battle/behind their lines/after heavy losses. 那些战士们(军队/敌人)撤进山里/撤离被摧毁的要塞/从战场上撤退/撤到战线后/损失惨重后撤退了。~a few kilometres 后退了几公里;〖同〗withdraw,drawback;〖反〗advance;

(2)逃避;回避(至安静的地方)(go awayescape from(sth unpleasant);retire to a quiet place)[II+prep]:~slowly and quietly to one's room 慢慢地、悄悄地回到自己的房间;~to the country to relax/to the south in winter/into a world of fantasy/from the oppressive heat of the city 回到乡村放松一下/冬季到南方避寒/逃避到幻想世界中/避开城市的酷热;~from reality/the public eye/one's commitments/one's responsibility in the affair 逃避现实/众人的目光/自己所承担的义务/自己在这件事中的责任;〖同〗retire,withdraw;〖反〗engage;

n (1)后撤(退)(withdrawal of an army when it is faced with a stronger force)[C,通常a~;U][N(to/from)]:a hasty~at dawn 黎明时的匆忙撤退;a~to west 向西撤退;order/begin/make a~命令/开始/进行撤退;cut off/intercept/cover sb's~截断某人的退路/拦截某人撤退/掩护某人撤退;be in full~全面撤退;the winter~of Napoleon's army from Moscow 拿破仑的军队在严冬从莫斯科的撤退;make a~from one's earlier position 从以前的阵地撤退;The army's~was orderly. 那支军队很有秩序地撤退。〖同〗withdrawal,escape,retirement;〖反〗advance,charge;

(2)撤退信号(signal to retreat)[Uthe~]:The bugler sounded the~. 号兵吹响了撤退的号声。

(3)退(逃)避(retirement;act of retreating or withdrawing into privacy or for peace)[U]:one's~from reality/social life 逃避现实/社会生活;His~had taken him three or four yards away from her. 他向后退去,距她有三四码远。〖同〗withdrawal,retirement;

(4)隐居的地方(quiet or private place to which a person can go for peace and safety)[C]:a summer~避暑胜地;a mountain/quiet country/woodland~一处山区/宁静乡间/森林疗养地;〖同〗hideaway;

(5)(宗教)静修(period of time in which one is kept from othersesp for prayer)[CU](fml):go to/conduct a~进行静修;Every year he goes into/is in~for three weeks. 每年他都要静修三周。make an annual~每年静修;

beat a retreat 避开,躲开:We beat a hasty~when we heard the car. 听到汽车声,我们急忙跑开了。





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