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单词 焕然一新

焕然一新huàn rán yī xīn

be freshly furnished;be resplendent with new things;change beyond recognition; have a bright,new look; look brand new; spick and span; take on a completely fresh complexion; take on a completely (/entirely) new look (/aspect)
❍ 众人围随同至贾母正堂中间,亦是锦团绣屏,~。(《红楼梦》671)All trooping in after her,they discovered that the place was freshly furnished with embroidered screens and brocade cushions.
❍ 已到了腊月二十九日了,各色齐备,两府中都换了门神、联对、挂牌,新油了桃符,~。(《红楼梦》668) By the twentyninth of the twelfth month all was ready. Both mansions were resplendent with new door-gods,couplets,tablets and New-Year charms.
❍ 小庙修补得~,门口挂上了一块木牌:“松岩口模范医院”。(张骏祥、赵拓《白求恩大夫》57) The temple looks brand-new.By its door hangs a signboard reading: Pine Cliff Gap Hospital.
❍ 那尤老娘见了二姐儿身上头上,~,不似在家模样,十分得意。(《红楼梦》843) And old Mrs. You was most gratified to see Second Sister’s new finery,so unlike the trinkets and clothes she had worn at home.
❍ 自从有了中国共产党,中国革命的面目就~了。(《毛泽东选集》1249) With the birth of the Communist Party of China,the face of the Chinese revolution took on an altogether new aspect.


look brand new;take on an entirely new look

焕然一新huàn rán yī xīn

焕然:光明的样子。鲜明光亮,气象一新。比喻旧的形象改变了,崭新的面貌出现了。look brand-new, look fresh and bright, spick-and-span, have a bright and new look





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