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单词 ditch
释义 ditch /ditj; ditj/ n narrow channel dug in or between fields, or at the sides of a road, etc to hold or carry off water. (田里或路边等用以储水或排水的) 沟。 dull as '~ water, very dull ⑶ indeed. 极其乏味的。令出纺⑵. vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 2A] make, clean, repair or provide with ~es. 掘沟; 淸理沟; 修沟; 为…开沟。 2 [VP6A] send or throw into a ~ (or, si, the sea); (fig, sl) abandon: 使坠入沟; 丢入沟中; (俚) 使坠入海; (喻,俚) 抛弃: The drunken man ~ed his car, drove it into one. 那醉汉将车驶入沟中。 The pilot had to ~ his plane, make a forced landing on the sea. 那飞行员被迫将飞机降落海上。 He's ~ed his girlfriend, (sl) suddenly stopped seeing her. (俚) 他突然抛弃了他的女友。




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