炊chuī ❶ (烧火做饭) cook a meal: 断 ~ run out of rice and fuel;can't keep the pot boiling; 巧妇难为无米之 ~。 The cleverest housewife can't cook a meal without rice. ❷ [书] (烧火) make a fire;light a fire;tend the kitchen fire ❸ [书] (吹) blow;puff ◆炊具 cooking utensils;cooker;kitchenware; 炊事 cooking; kitchen work; 炊烟 smoke from kitchen chimneys; 炊烟袅袅 smoke curling up from kitchen chimneys;Smoke from the kitchen chimney wreathed over the cottage.;smoke spiraling from kitchens;Smoke is spiralling upward from kitchens chimneys.; 炊帚 brush for cleaning pots and pans;pot-scouring brush |