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单词 急转直下

急转直下jí zhuǎn zhí xià

a sudden (accelerated)development of the situation; [of the march of events,etc]take a sudden turn and then develop rapidly;rapidly deteriorate; switch to a new tack; take a sudden favourable turn; take a sudden turn for the worse; turn abruptly towards a new vista (/crisis)
❍ 夜晚,下起雨来,道静躺在床上却怎么也睡不着了。这突然爆发的~的形势,把她搅扰得糊里糊涂。(杨沫《青春之歌》279)It rained that night,and Daojing,bewildered by this abrupt turn of events,uncertain what it would lead to,could not sleep.
❍ 情况很复杂,这几天北平的学生运动~,…… (杨沫《青春之歌》575) Things were going from bad to worse for him. During the last few days the student movement in Beiping had gone swiftly ahead,…/~的战局,使许多党政要人坐卧不安。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》510) The military situation was rapidly deteriorating and many important officials were becoming very fidgety.
❍ 他停顿了一下,忽然又~: …… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》164) He paused an instant and suddenly switched to a new tack.
❍ 目前国际形势是在~。(冯志《敌后武工队》405) … the international situation had taken a sudden favourable turn.
❍ 自从出现了叛徒,情况~,意外地恶化了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》153) The situation had taken a sudden turn for the worse after the appearance of the traitor in their ranks./“你入了互助组吗?”邓秀梅~,有意地把谈话引到她感兴趣的题目上来。(周立波《山乡巨变》11)“Have you joined a mutual-aid team?”Deng Xiumei turned straight to the subject she had at heart.


take a sudden turn;turn sharply

急转直下jí zhuǎn zhí xià

比喻情况变化突然,很快发展下去。take a sudden turn and then develop rapidly, turn abruptly towards a new vista, go into a precipitous decline





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