经过一百多年的反帝、反封建斗争,~深重的中华民族终于站起来了。After more than a hundred years of anti-imperialist and anti--feudal struggle,the calamity-ridden Chinese nation at last stood up./日本军国主义者发动的侵华战争,给中国人民带来深重~,也使日本人民深受其害。The Japanese militarists waged a war of aggression against China,inflicting immense sufferings on the Chinese people and also causing great misery to the Japanese people./给殖民地人民带来巨大的~bring(or cause)great suffering to the colonial people/避免一场大~avert a catastrophe/~深重disaster-ridden;calamity-ridden; gone through untold sufferings/~性的后果disastrous consequences