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单词 漱石枕流

漱石枕流shù shí zhěn liú

rinse one’s mouth with rocks and pillow one’s head on the streams—the life of a hermit
❍ 孙子荆(楚)年少时,欲隐;语王武子(济)‘当枕石漱流’,误曰: “漱石枕流”。王曰: “流可枕,石可漱乎?”孙曰: “所以枕流,欲洗其耳; 所以漱石,欲砺其齿。”(刘义庆《世说新语·排调》)When Sun Chu was young he wanted to become a recluse. Speaking of it once to Wang Ji,he intended to say,“I’ll pillow my head on the rocks and rinse my mouth in the streams.”Instead,he said by mistake,“I’ll rinse my mouth with rocks and pillow my head on the streams.”|Wang asked,“Are streams something you can pillow on,and rocks something you can rinse with?”|Sun replied,“My reason for pillowing on streams is to‘wash my ears,’and my reason for rinsing with rocks is to‘sharpen my teeth’.





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