释义 |
当(當);[Ⅳ噹]dānɡⅠ (相称) equal:门 ~ 户对 be well-matched in social and economic status (for marriage); 实力相 ~ well-matched in strength Ⅱ ❶ (担任;充当) work as;serve as;be:~ 翻译 serve [act] as an interpreter;~ 公共汽车司机 work as a bus driver;~ 官做老爷 act like an overlord; 选他 ~ 组长 elect him group leader; 他在一家银行 ~ 办事员。 He serves as a clerk in a bank. ❷ (承当;承受) bear;accept;deserve:敢做敢 ~ dare to do sth. and dare to take responsibility for it; 我可 ~ 不起这样的夸奖。 I just don't deserve such praise. 一人做事一人 ~。 One should answer for what he does. ❸ (主持;掌管) direct;manage;be in charge of:~ 家 manage household affairs ❹ (应当) ought;should;must:理 ~ 如此。 That's just as it should be. 能省的就省,~ 用的还是得用。 Save what you can,but use what you must. Ⅲ ❶ (面对着;向着) in sb.'s presence;to sb.'s face:~ 着大家谈。 Speak out in the presence of everyone. 你在~ 着我的面撒谎。 You are telling me lies to my very face. ❷ (正在那时候、 那地方) just at (a time or place):~ 场 on the spot;~ 时 at that time Ⅳ (撞击金属器物的声音) clank;clang:~ ~ 的钟声 the tolling of a bell ;the ding-dong of bells Ⅴ (姓氏) a surname:~ 阳 Dang Yang 另见 see also dànɡ。 ◆当班 be on duty by turn; 当兵 be a soldier;serve in the army;join the army; 当差 as messenger or manservant;work as a petty official or servant; 当场 on the spot;then and there当场出彩 (当场出丑) make a spectacle [show] of oneself;(当场露出马脚) give the whole show away on the spot; 当初 (开始时) at the beginning;originally;at the outset;in the first place;(从前) formerly;in the past;at that time; 当代 the present age;the contemporary era; 当道 (路中间) blocking the way;[贬] (掌握政权) be in power;hold sway;(掌权的大官) an official in power; 当地 at the place in question;in the locality;local; 当断不断 be indecisive when decision is needed;fail to act when one should;be irresolute when a decision should be taken; 当归 {中药} Angelica sinensis;Chinese angelica; 当行出色 excellent and opportune;adept and remarkable; 当机立断 make a prompt decision;decide on the moment [spot];decide promptly and opportunely;decide in the nick of time;make a rapid appraisal;prompt decision at the right moment;take prompt action; 当即 at once;right away; 当家 manage (household) affairs;have a decisive say in business management; 当家的 [口] the head of a family;[方] (丈夫) husband; 当家作主 be master in one's own house — be in power;be the master of one's own affairs [destiny];当间儿 [方] in the centre;in the middle; 当街 (临街) facing the street;[方] (街上) in the street; 当今 (如今;现时;目前) now;at present;nowadays;(封建时代称在位皇帝) emperor on the throne; 当局the authorities; 当局者迷,旁观者清 The spectators see the chess game better than the players.;The onlooker sees most of the game.;One who is in the game is blind,while a bystander sees through everything.; 当空 high above in the sky; 当口儿 [口] this or that very moment; 当啷 clank;clang; 当量 {化} equivalent;equivalent weight; 当令 in season; 当面 to sb.'s face;in sb.'s presence;face to face; 当面锣,对面鼓 argue face to face;engage in a battle of words right in one's face; 当面说好话,背后下毒手 say nice things to sb.'s face,then stab him in the back.; 当年 (过去某一时间) in those years;in those days;(身强力壮时) the prime of life; 当前 (在面前) before one;facing one;(目前;现阶段) present;current; 当前用户 active user; 当枪使 be a tool;be cannon fodder; 当权 be in power;hold power; 当然 (应当这样) as it should be;only natural;(合情合理) without doubt;certainly;of course;be sure;(理所应当的) natural; 当仁不让 not pass on to others what one is called upon to do;assume such authority;never decline to do charity;not decline to shoulder a responsibility;view sth. as one's obligation;take sth. as one's obligation; 他在荣誉面前从不伸手,但在艰巨任务面前却~ He never seeks credit for himself,but is always ready to take on arduous tasks.; 当时 then;at that time;just at that moment; 当事人 {律} (参加诉讼的一方) party (to a lawsuit);litigant;parties in action;(跟事情直接有关的人) person [party] concerned;interested parties; 当头 (正对着头;迎头) right over head;right on sb.'s head;head on;(临头) facing or confronting one;imminent; 当头棒喝 a blow and a shout;a sharp warning;a severe warning;give a timely warning;give sharp advice for one to wake up from error; 当头一棒 a head-on blow;deal a direct [head-on] blow at ...; 当务之急 a pressing matter of the moment;a task of top priority;urgent matter;the (most) pressing demand of the day;the crying obligation;the urgent task on hand; 当下 instantly;immediately;at once; 当先 in the van;in the front ranks;at the head; 当心 (正中间) in the middle;in the centre;(小心,留神) take care;be careful;look out; 当选 be elected; 当腰 middle; 当一天和尚撞一天钟 As long as one remains a monk,one rings the bell. — As long as one is in office,one performs one's function.;do one's work in a perfunctory way;go in tolling the bell as long as one is a monk; 当政 be in power;be in office; 当之无愧 fully deserve (a title,an honour,etc.);merit the reward;be deserving;be worthy of; 当之有愧 I find myself not up to the honor accorded me.; 当值 [旧] be on duty; 当中 (正中) in the middle;in the centre;(中间;之内) among;(船舶的中部) amidships;amidship; 当众 in the presence of all;in public;before the public;openly;publicly;in front of everybody
当(當)dànɡⅠ (合宜;合适) proper;right:安排得 ~ be properly arranged; 用词不 ~ inappropriate choice of words Ⅱ ❶ (抵得上) match;equal to:他一个人能 ~ 两个人用。 He can do the work of two persons put together. ❷ (作为;当做) treat as;regard as;take for:一分钱要 ~ 两分用 make good use of every penny; 不要把我 ~ 小孩看待。 Don't treat me as [like] a child. 你把我 ~ 什么看? What do you take me for? ❸ (以为;认为) think:我 ~ 你不知道。 I thought you didn't know. 我 ~ 是她呢。 I thought it was her. ❹ (用实物做抵押向当铺借钱) pawn:~ 衣服 pawn one's clothes;put one's clothes in pawn; 他的手表 ~ 了三十元。 He pawned his watch for 30 yuan. Ⅲ (指押在当铺里的实物) sth. pawned;pawn;pledge:赎 ~ take sth. out of pledge;redeem sth. pawned Ⅳ (事情发生的时间) that very (day,etc.):~ 月 the same month;that very month 另见 see also dānɡ。 ◆当家子 [方] a member of the same clan; 当年 the same year;that very year; 当票 (当铺所开的单据) pawn ticket; 当铺 (收取抵押品、放高利贷的店铺) pawnshop; 当日 the same day;that very day; 当时 right away;at once;immediately; 当天 the same day;that very day; 当头 [口] sth. pawned;pawn;pledge; 当月 the same month; 当真 (信以为真) take seriously;(果然) really true;really; 当做 treat as;regard as;look upon |