漏lòuⅠ ❶ (从孔或缝中滴下、透出或掉出) leak; drip: 水从管子中 ~ 出。 The water leaked from the pipe. 油桶 ~ 了。 The oil drum leaks. 雨水从天花板的裂缝中 ~ 下来。 The rain-water dripped through a crack on the ceiling. ❷ (泄漏) divulge; disclose; leak: 透 ~ make known; 走 ~ 风声 leak out information; 说 ~ 了嘴 unintentionally divulge sth. secret ❸ (遗漏) leave out; be missing: 失 ~ be lost; be missing; ~ 念一句 have skipped a sentence in reading; 你 ~ 掉了一个词。 You've missed out one word. 印刷工人把这一段 ~ 了两行。 The printer has left out two lines from this paragraph. Ⅱ ❶ (漏壶的简称, 借指时刻) hourglass; water clock; clepsydra: 铜 ~ copper water clock ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 钧 Lou Jun ◆漏报 fail to report sth.; fail to declare; 漏疮 anal fistula; 漏电 leakage of electricity; leakage; 漏洞 leak; flaw; hole; loophole; 漏洞百出 Its loopholes appeared one after another.; full of loopholes [contradictions]; with gasping holes everywhere; (What one says) is full of holes.; 漏斗 funnel; hopper; infundibulum ; filling funnel; 漏风 air leak; air leakage; not airtight; speak indistinctly through having one or more front teeth missing; leak out; {采矿} ventilation leakage; blast break-out; 漏光 light leak; leak out; 漏壶 water clock; clepsydra; hourglass; drip-vessel; 漏划 escape being classified as sth. or sb.; 漏孔 a small hole through which air or water leaks out; bore sight; nozzle; 漏气 blow-by; blowing; {机} blown; air leak; air leakage; compression leak; escape of air; gas leak; out-gas; 漏税 evade payment of a tax; evade taxation; defraud the revenue; tax dodging; evade duty; evasion of fiscale; tax evasion; 漏网 escape unpunished [punishment]; escape from the net; slip through the net; 漏网之鱼 (as) fish escap ̄ing from the net; (as) a fish escaped through the seine; the fish that escaped the net; frightened fish that narrowly escaped the dragnet; a fish out of the net; escape unpunished; fugitive; runaway; 漏泄 untightness; inleakage; leak; leakance; leaking; leakage; 漏泄春光 The willow brings the message of spring.; send a secret message; One's illicit intercourse was discovered.; send news secretly; give away [let out] a secret; 漏油 oil leak; oil spilling; 漏子 [口] funnel; flaw; hole; loophole; 漏嘴 discharge spout 漏drain 漏lòu❶fistula ❷seminal emission ❸metrorrhagia |