挖wā ❶ (用工具或手从物体的表面向里掘取) dig; excavate; scoop: ~ 隧道 excavate a tunnel; 在沙中 ~ 个洞 scoop out a hole in the sand; ~ 潜力 exploit potentialities; ~ 河泥 dig up river silt; 那时候我们常常出去 ~ 野菜。 In those days we often went to dig for wild vegetables. ❷ [书] (抓) scratch ❸ [书] (抠, 镂空) dig; engrave; carve ◆挖补 mend by replacing a damaged part; 挖槽 groov ̄ing; ploughing; 挖掉 dig up; dig out; eradicate; 挖东墙补西墙 digging [taking from] the eastern wall to repair the western one; keep up in one place at the expense of others; 挖洞 potholing; 挖耳器 earpick; 挖方 excavation (of earth or stone); cut; cubage of excavation; 挖根 dig sth. up by the roots; uproot; 挖沟 ditch (up); ditching; 挖沟机 {机} ditcher; trencher; trench excavator; ditch cutter; ditch excavator; side scraper; trench cutter; trench cutting machine; trench digger; trenching machine; 挖壕沟机 trench excavator; 挖壕锹 entrenching shovel; 挖花工艺 anglicanum; 挖花花边 point coupe; cutwork; broché; 挖花钳子 nipper swivel; 挖掘 excavate; unearth; dig; tap; grub; hoe; grave; 挖掘船 dredger; 挖掘机 digging machine; excavating machine; excavator; dredger; scraper; shovel; navvy; 挖坑 potholing; 挖空心思 rack [beat; cudgel; ransack] one's brains; think hard; 挖苦 speak sarcastically or ironically; 挖牡蛎船 oyster dredger; 挖泥 dredge; 挖潜改造资金 funds to tap the potential of existing enterprises; finance their technical transformation; 挖潜资金 funds expended to tap the potential; 挖墙脚 [口] undermine the foundation; cut the ground from under sb.'s feet; sap a wall; sabotage; undermine a wall; 挖肉补疮 rob Peter to pay Paul; cut out a piece of one's flesh to cure a boil — to resort to a remedy worse than the ailment; sacrifice sth. as makeshift to tide over a difficulty; 挖商品库存 stock of commodities put aside as reserve were used to tide cover difficulties; great volumes of goods saved were relied upon to meet consumer goods; offset the shortage of commodities in short supply by decreasing stockpiles; 挖石工具 stone drawing tool; 挖薯棍 yam stick; 挖树机 tree daisy; tree mover; 挖土 earth cutting; cut; 挖土机 excavator; navvy; shovelling machine; 挖凿机 navvy; 挖桩铲 spud |