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单词 滔滔不绝

滔滔不绝tāo tāo bù jué

pour out words in a steady flow; talk on and on;a flood of words stream from one’s lips; babble on and on without a pause;talk endlessly (/incessantly); rattle off; reel of;talk one’s head off;talk (/go/run) nineteen to the dozen; talk the hind leg off a donkey (/horse);off the reel; wax eloquent; volubly
❍ 陆清刚一表示,黄将军就~地高谈阔论起来,…… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》453)No sooner had Lu Qing given him an opening,than the general launched into a lengthy discourse.
❍ 你们只顾自己~说话,不管别人家喉咙头痒。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》 51) You just babble on and on without a pause,and you don’t care whether other people’s throats are itching to speak or not.
❍ 此时,季交恕仅仅随口答应过“是”“好”两个字,还没来得及回答一句话,他又~地说下去:……(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—197)…but before Jiaoshu had a chance to answer,he continued in an uninterrupted flow of words.
❍ 寒暄几句,立即拿出袁世凯的一封信,~地说:……(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—280) When that was done,after producing a letter from Yuan Shikai addressed to Li Yuanhong,he went on to talk in a very eloquent manner.
❍ 赵雄好象特别喜欢追怀过去,一谈就~。(高云览《小城春秋》236) Zhao Xiong seemed very happy recalling the old days. He talked incessantly.
❍ 路上不分日夜的牛车、小土车、担子、毛驴,来来往往,~。(陈登科《活人塘》1) Ox carts,wheelbarrows,posters with shoulder poles,donkeys—all plodded and rolled in endless procession.
❍ 值班参谋胡克拿着战斗纪录,~地向他念了一遍各个部队来的捷报,……(吴强《红日》196) The staff officer on duty,Hu Ke,rattled off to him nonstop from the war diary the reports of victory from the various units…/大家听着小坡~的讲话,都为他的流利动听的言词所打动。(知侠《铁道游击队》155) Xiaopo reeled this off without a pause,and the men were all influenced by his words and persuasive tone.
❍ 马慕韩见朱延年~地说下去,他听出了神,…… (周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—478) This unabating stream of words from Zhu Yannian sent Ma Muhan into a reverie ……/“行!” 张腊月笑着,一屁股坐在炕沿上,搂着吴淑兰的脖子,~地说道:“吴姐,咱们俩交个朋友吧。……”(王汶石《风雪之夜》265)“Good.”Layue grinned and sat down heavily on the edge of the kang,hugging Shulan around the neck and talking on and on. “Sister Wu,let’s be good friends…”


pour out words in a steady flow

滔滔不绝tāo tāo bù jué

滔滔:大水滚滚流动的样子;绝:断。形容说话非常多,没完没了。speak unceasingly, reel off, dash along, give it mouth, off the real, exhaust oneself by talking





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