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❶ (听见) hear: 亲耳所 ~ what one hear; 听而不 ~ listen but not hear; turn a deaf ear to
❷ (用鼻子嗅) smell: ~ 到了煤气味 smell gas; 你 ~ ~ 这朵玫瑰。 多香呀! Just smell this rose. Isn't it sweet! 这菜 ~ 起来很好[香]。 The dish smells good [delicious]. Ⅱ ❶ (听见的事情; 消息) story; news; hearsay: 新 ~ news; 奇 ~ fantastic story; 传 ~ hearsay
❷ (名声) reputation; repute: 秽 ~ ill repute; 令 ~ good reputation
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 一多 Wen Yiduo Ⅲ [书] (有名望的) famous; well-known: ~ 望 fame; ~ 人 well-known figure
另见 see also wèn。
◆闻风而动 go into action without delay; act without delay upon hearing sth.; immediately to respond to a call; 闻风而归 hearing of sb.'s correct attitude, leave one's home and go to see him; 闻风而起 rise up on hearing the news; take action as soon as one hears about ...; respond with immediate actions on hearing sth.; respond immediately to a call; 闻风而逃 escape on getting wind of the matter; run away [escape] upon learning the news; get wind (of ...) and escape; 闻风丧胆 tremble with fear on hearing of ...; be alarmed at mere rumours; become terror-stricken [panic-stricken; terrified] at the news; lose courage when one hears ...; be frightened out of one's wits on hearing sth.; 闻风响应 hear the news and rise up in response; 闻风远扬 flee far away in getting wind of sth.; run away on hearing the news; 闻过即改 correct one's mistake as soon as it is pointed out; 闻过则喜 be glad to have one's errors pointed out; accept sb.'s criticism with good grace; feel happy when told of one's errors; thankful for being told of one's errors; 闻鸡起舞 rise up upon hearing the crow of a rooster and practise with the sword; 闻来闻去 keep nosing about ...; 闻雷失箸 drop one's chopsticks on hearing a clap of thunder; feel nervous and at a loss on hearing sth. mentioned which personally has some concern with; 闻名 (有名) well-known; famous; renowned; (听到名声) be familiar with sb.'s name; know sb. by repute; 闻名不如见面 To know a man by repute is not as good as meeting him face to face.; Knowing a person by repute is not as good as seeing him in the flesh.; Knowing sb. by his reputation is not as good as meeting him in person.; 闻名丧胆 be overawed by sb.'s name; The bare mention of sb.'s name was enough to scare someone.; 闻名天下 enjoy tremendous popularity in the world; become famous throughout the land; 闻名遐迩 be well-known [renowned], far and near; be known to all, far and near; enjoy widespread renown; One's fame spreads far and near.; 闻名于世 be famed the world over; be world-famous; be world-renowned; 闻其言而知其人 A bird may be known by its song.; able to judge a man by his speech; 闻人 well-known figure; famous man; celebrity; a surname; 闻声而至 hurry in, hearing sb.'s shout;
闻声见色 phonopsia; 闻所未闻 have never even heard of it; hear of many strange things which one has hitherto been unaware of; hear what one has never heard before; It has never been heard of before.; never heard of such a thing; (This) is unheard-of.; That's unheard-of!; 闻香辨色 olfactio colorata; 闻一知十 infer the whole matter after hearing but one point; A word to the wise is sufficient.; hear one point and know the ten sequences; “hear one thing and know ten others” — intellegent; quick-witted; smart; On hearing one character, he would unerringly deduce ten.; 闻者足戒 be warned by one's words; take one's words as a warning; Those who hear his words should be warned.; 闻诊 {中医} auscultation and smelling, one of the four methods of diagnosis; diagnose through auscultation and olfaction


[书] Ⅰ (声誉, 名声) reputation; fame; prestige Ⅱ ❶ (慰问) express sympathy and solicitude for; extend one's regards to
❷ (询问) ask about; inquire about
另见 see also wén。





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