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单词 源源不绝

源源不绝源源不断;源源不竭yuán yuán bù jué

a constant torrent of; an endless stream of;an uninterrupted (/steady)flow of; continually;continuously;incessant; inexhaustible; never-end ing
❍ 松尾回临城的第三天,鬼子兵车就源源不断的从北边开过来。(知侠《铁道游击队》498)An endless stream of military trains of the Imperial Army came from the north three days after Matsuo’s return to Lincheng.
❍ 队伍源源不断地走上阵地的攻击地点,各在各的岗位,等候着攻击命令。(吴强《红日》 139) The troops moved forward in a continuous stream to take up their positions for the attack. Soon everyone was at his post waiting for the order to attack.
❍ 这个统一战线是如此巩固,它具备了战胜任何敌人和克服任何困难的坚强的意志和源源不竭的能力。(《毛泽东选集》1355) This united front is so solid that it possesses the resolute will and the inexhaustible capacity to defeat every enemy and overcome every difficulty.
❍ 周总理还亲自组织指挥交通运输和后勤供应,克服了重重困难,及时地把朝鲜战场所需要的大量物资和人力源源不断送上前线,保证了战争的需要。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—154) Premier Zhou took a personal part in the organization and direction of communications,transport and logistic support. Overcoming a host ofdifficulties,he saw to a steady supply of manpower and material to the Korean battlefield.
❍ 广东屠杀现又开始。粤沪每月一千五百万元收入将~。(《周恩来选集》上—6) Massacres have begun in Guangdong. Chiang is receiving 15 million yuan from Guangdong and Shanghai regularly every month.

源源不绝绝(断)yuán yuán bù jué

源源:水流不断的样子;绝:断。形容连续不断。forth endlessly, continuously, in a steady stream





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