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单词 release
release/rɪ′li:s/ vt [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/t/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n [-s/ ɪz/]

vt (1)释放,放走(set a person or animal free from captivity;allow sb or sth to leave)[T+nT+n+prep(from)]:~a prisoner/a convict/a hostage 释放囚犯/罪犯/人质;~a dog 把狗放出来;The kidnapper was~d on bail/parole. 那个绑架者被保释/假释出狱。The energy/High pressure gas can be~d by pressing on a trigger. 按一个触发器便可释放出能量/高压气体。~prisoners from an internment camp 从拘留营放出俘虏;~a fox from a trap 从陷阱里放出狐狸;The little boy~d himself from his mother's arms (embrace). 小男孩从母亲怀里挣脱出来。~a horse into the paddock 把马放进牧场;〖同〗emit,liberate,set free;〖反〗imprison,keep;

(2)解脱,免除(free a person from sth unpleasant;free sb from sb's duty)[T+nT+n+prep(from)](fig):~sb from sb's promise 使某人不必履行诺言; ~sb from sb's duty/sb's anxiety/sb's guilty thoughts/sb's personal responsibility 解除某人的职务/忧虑/负罪感/个人责任;~sb from sb's obligation/sb's debt 免去某人的义务/债务;~a monk from his vows 准许一僧人还俗;The nurse is~d from duty at 7. 那位护士7点下班。The medicine (Death) at last has~d her from her pain/her sufferings. 那种药(死亡)终于解除了她的疼痛/痛苦。〖同〗relieve;

(3)解(松)开,投(放)出(stop holding sthallow sth to movefly or fall)[T+nT+n+prep(from)]:~(one's hold on/one's grip on/one's grasp of)a rope/a gun/sb's hand 松开(抓住/抓住/抓住的)绳子/枪/某人的手;~the brake/the handbrake/the clutch/the safety-catch/the switch 松开车闸/手刹/离合器/保险栓/电门;~the trigger/the rusted lock 松开扳机/使生锈的锁松动;I ran to the door and~d the catch. 我跑到门那儿,打开门闩。~an arrow/a bomb/a missile 射出箭/投下炸弹/发射导弹;~a bullet from the gun 用那支枪射击;〖同〗launch,let go;

(4)发行(布)(issue a recordfilm or book for sale;make news or information known or circulated)[T+nT+n+prep(to)]:~a new film/record/video/book before Christmas 圣诞节前发行一部新影片/一张新唱片/一盘新录像带/一本新书;Their new single/disc has just been~d. 他们新录制的单曲唱片/激光唱盘刚刚发行。~a new model for sale to export markets 向出口市场发布新型产品;~the news/the details of the scheme/the date of election to the public (the newspapers/the media) 向公众(报界/宣传媒介)发布消息/规划的详情/大选的日子;〖同〗distribute,circulate;〖反〗conceal,hide;

n (1)释放;放(松)开;发射;发布(act of releasing or state of being released)[CU][N(from)]:the~of the slaves/the(political)prisoners 解放奴隶/释放(政治)犯人;the~of a lion from its cage 从笼子里放出狮子;after one's~from prison/captivity/the hospital 出狱/释放/出院后;the~of the safety-catch 松开保险栓;the controlled~of water from reservoirs 有控制地排放水库中的水;a great~of explosive energy 释放出大量的爆炸能量;the~of a missile over the Indian Ocean 在印度洋上空发射一颗导弹;the~of joy/rebellions 流露出喜悦/反抗情绪;〖同〗liberation;

(2)解脱(除)(feelings of no longer suffering or having to worry about sth)[UC][N(from)]:a feeling of~解脱感;obtain(a)~from an obligation/an unbearable situation 所承担的义务得到豁免/得以从难以忍受的状况中解脱出来;This medicine will give you a~from pain. 这种药会解除你的疼痛。〖同〗relief;

(3)发行(act of issuing for sale or publication)[U]:the~of a film/a video/a book 一部电影/录像带/书的发行;The London~of The Janitor begins on Saturday. 星期六伦敦开始发行《看门人》。The film hasn't been on (general)~. 那部电影还未(普遍)放映。〖同〗distribution,circulation;

(4)发行物,发布的内容(sth that is issued to the public)[C]:the newest/recent~s 最新/最近的发行物;a news~新闻稿;The government issued a press~. 政府发布了一条新闻。

(5)释放令(证书)(order or document allowing (a prisoner) to be released)[C]:The governor of the prison was signing a~. 典狱长正在签发释放证书。The prisoner's~finally arrived. 那个犯人的释放命令终于到了。

【辨异】releasedismiss freedischarge的区别见 DISCHARGE。





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