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单词 relax
relax/rɪ′læks/ v [-es/ ɪz/]

(1)(使)松开(弛)(make(musclesgripetc)become less tense or tight)[IT+n]:His body/muscles~ed. 他的全身/肌肉松弛下来。The drug will~your muscles. 这药会使你肌肉放松。~one's hold/one's grip/one's grasp on sth 松开抓住/抓住/抓住某物的手;〖同〗loose;〖反〗tense;

(2)(使)放松(休息)((make sb)become less active after work or effort)[IT+n pass]:~a month/for a moment/half an hour 休息一个月/一会儿/半个小时;Just lie back and~. 躺下来休息。The music/A holiday/The pill will help you~(help to~you) after your work/your exams. 工作/考试后,音乐/假日/这药片会帮助你放松的。〖同〗rest;〖反〗work;

(3)(使)松懈(涣散)((cause the force of effortconcentrationetc)become less severe or tense)[IT+n]:We mustn't~in our efforts. 我们决不能松劲。Her concentration/attention doesn't~for a moment. 她总是聚精会神/全神贯注。never~one's vigilance/one's guard/one's efforts/one's attention 决不放松警惕/警惕/努力/注意力;

(4)放松(心),缓解(become less worriedanxious or formal)[II+prep(into)]:R~when you dance. 跳舞时别紧张。R~and enjoy yourself. 放松点,玩个痛快。She~ed when she got to know he was safe.得知他平安无事,她便放心了。Forget your worries and~. 忘掉烦恼,放松点。Some people can't even~when they are at home. 有些人即使在家也放松不下来。Her heavy features/face~ed into a smile. 她那阴沉的表情/面部表情变得轻松而微笑起来。〖同〗ease up;〖反〗tense;

(5)(使)放宽(不严)(make rulesregulationsdiscipline or one's control less strict)[IT+n]:The general~ed greatly in his cruel treatment of the prisoners. 在很大程度上,将军已不再那么残酷地对待俘虏了。The strict army discipline tends to~a bit before Christmas. 圣诞节前严格的军纪往往有点松懈。Discipline is~ed on the last day of school. 学校放假的前一天纪律松懈了。~one's policies/the rules/the procedure 放宽政策/规定/对程序的要求;

→͵rela′xation n 放宽(松);松懈;娱乐(活动);re′laxed adj 不紧张(忧虑)的,轻松的;re′laxing adj 使人无精打彩的





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