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单词 relative
relative/′relǝtɪv/ adj [无comp]; n

adj (1)相关(对)的,比较的(considered in comparison with sth elsenot absolute)[A(to)]:the~advantages of living here and in town/speeds of a car and a train 住在这里与住在城里的相对有利条件/汽车与火车的相对速度;the~merits of the two cars/naval strengths of two countries 这两辆汽车相对而言的优点/两个国家相对而言的海军实力;live in~poverty/comfort 生活得比较清苦/舒服;live in~isolation 过着近乎深居简出的生活;a~newcomer 一个来得比较晚的新人;~density 相对密度;Expensive/Happiness is (a)~(conception). 昂贵/幸福是相对而言的(概念)。There is a shortage of labour~to the demand for it. 与需求相比,劳动力显得短缺。R~to our house,his house is a palace. 与我们的房子相比,他的房子简直是座宫殿。〖同〗comparative,related;〖反〗unrelated,absolute;

(2)有关的,关于……的(connected with sth or sb)[A(to)](fml)(用于n之后):the comment/fact/papers (that is/are)~to our work (the accident) 与我们的工作(这次事故)有关的评论/事实/文件;He said nothing~to his plans about returning/the effect of penicillin. 关于他返回的计划/青霉素的疗效他什么都没说。~to each other 相互有关;The weight is~to the size. 重量与体积有关。He has had experience in electronics and other~fields. 他已经具有电子和其他相关领域的经验。〖同〗relevant;〖反〗irrelevant;

(3)(语法)关系的(belonging to a class of words that function as conjunctions in introducing clauses)[作attrib]:a~pronoun/adverb/clause 关系代词/副词/从句;

← re′late v;

→ ′relatively adv 相对地;比较地;相当地;′relativism n 相对主义;相对性;͵rela′tivity n 相对性;相对论;͵relati′vistic adj 相对论的;

n 亲戚(属)(person who is related by blood or marriage)[C]:a distant/remote/direct/near/close~一位远亲/远亲/直系亲属/近亲/近亲;an extinct~已故的亲属;All his~s attended the funeral. 他所有的亲戚都参加了葬礼。〖同〗relation;






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