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❶ (浑浊) muddy;turbid
❷ (糊涂;不明事理) foolish;stupid
另见 see also hùn。


❶ (搀杂) mix;confuse;mingle: ~ 在一起 mix things up;
不要把自由与放纵 ~ 为一谈。 Don't confuse liberty with license. 他 ~ 进人群里就不见了。 He mingled with [in] the crowd,and was lost to sight. 在夏威夷,许多人种 ~ 居在一起。 Many races are mixed in Hawaii.
❷ (蒙混) pass for;pass off as: 鱼目 ~ 珠 pass off fish eyes as pearls;pass off the sham as genuine
❸ (苟且地生活) muddle along;drift along: ~ 过一个难关 muddle through a difficulty;~ 日子 drift along aimlessly
❹ (相处) get along with sb.: 同他们 ~ 得很熟 be quite familiar with them Ⅱ (胡乱) thoughtlessly;recklessly;irresponsibly: ~ 出主意 put forward irresponsible suggestions Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 元 Hun Yuan
另见 see also hún。
◆混播 {农} mixed seeding;mixture sowing;
混不过去 unable to fool others;
混不下去 can no longer permit oneself to drift along;(They themselves) were no longer able to carry on (as before).;
混层矿物 mixed-layer mineral;
混成 blend together;mix together;
混充 pass oneself off as;palm sth. off as;pretend to be (someone else);
混沌 chaos;the chaotic world in prehistoric times;innocent as a child;ignorant and dumb;a surname;
混纺 {纺} blending;
混高频信号 mixed-highs signal;
混合 mix;blend;mingle;admix;mixture;mix-up;interfusion;commixture;blending;creolization;mixing;compound;compounding;hybrid;intermix;
混合法 mixing method;
混合面 maslin;
混合色 secondary colours;
混合式 hybrid;mixing;
混合税 mixed duties;
混合物 mixture;compound;mix;varia;intermixture;hodge-poadge;miscellany;impurity;mix-up admixture;hybrid;
混合型 mixed type;
混合信贷 government maxed credit;
混合许可证 mixed licence;
混混 dark;opaque;blackened;blurred;drift along or through;
混基记数法 mixed radix notation;mixed base notation;
混交林 mingled forest;
混交种 mongrel;
混进 infiltrate;sneak into;worm one's way into;
混联 {电} series-parallel connection;
混料机 blendor;
混录 dubbing;rerecording;
混乱 muddledness;pêle-mêle tumble;chaos;confusion;disorder;havoc;
混乱不堪 Utter disorder prevails.;in utter disorder;
混棉 cotton blending;
混凝剂 {化} coagulant;
混凝土 concrete;beton;
混凝土路 concrete road;
混频 {电子} mixing;frequency mixing;
混染 union dyeing;
混入 sneak into;worm one's way into;mix oneself inside a body of people [an organization];get into an organization or restricted area without undergoing the proper procedures;
混色 colour mixture;
混声合唱 mixed chorus;
混生植物 bush;
混世魔王 a fiend in human shape;a devil who creates chaos;an incarnate fiend;devil incarnate;the greatest evildoer;
混事 muddle along;drift along;
混说 talk at random;talk nonsense;talk without plan or purpose;
混同 confuse;combine;merge;mix up;
混为一谈 ... be confused;be identified with ...;confuse sth. with sth. else;equate ... with ...;lump ... together;place [put] sth. on a par with sth. else;
混纬织法 mixed weft;
混响 reverberaton;reverberating;
混响控制 echo control;
混淆 confound;obscure;blur;confuse;alias;mix up;mix;mingle;
混淆敌友 confuse friend with foe;
混淆黑白 turn things upside down;call black white;juggle [mix up] black and white;obliterate the difference between black and white;turn black into white;
混淆是非 confuse right and wrong;confound [cofuse] the right with the wrong;
混淆视听 confuse the public;confuse (the) public opinion;lead the public opinion astray;mislead the people;throw dust in sb.'s eyes;
混淆阵线 blur [confuse] the alignments;mix up the fronts;
混血儿 a person of mixed blood;mixed-blood;mustee;half-breed;[南非] baster;
混血种 miscegenation;hybrid;
混养 polyculture;
混用磁带 intermix tape;
混杂 mix;mingle;confounding;sophistication;
混战 tangled warfare;a melee;a wild war;confused fighting;
混账 scoundrel;bastard;
混植 intermingle;
混浊 muddy;turbid;{医} nubecula;
混浊度 turbidity;
混资格 study or receive a training not for the sake of knowledge but for the academic degree or diploma;
混字 gibberish;
混子 one who fools around in a respectable profession;a quack;
混作 {农} mixed cropping;mixed cultivation





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