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(升高; 提高) (of water, prices, etc.) rise; go up; swell: 物价飞 ~。 Prices skyrocketed. 情绪高 ~。 One's emotion swells. 雪融河 ~。 The river has swollen with melted snow.
另见 see also zhànɡ。
◆涨潮 egre; rising tide; flood tide; flood; flux; Tide comes in.; 涨价 rise in price; inflation of prices; price increase [rise]; 涨落 (of water, prices, etc.) rise and fall; fluctuate


❶ (体积增大) swell up: 豆子泡 ~ 了。 The beans swelled up after being soaked.
❷ (充血) (of the head) be swelled by a rush of blood: 头昏脑 ~ feel one's head swimming; 她的脸 ~ 得通红。 Her face flushed scarlet.
❸ (多出; 超出) be more, larger, etc. than expected: 把布一量, ~ 出了半尺。 When the cloth was measured, it was found to be half a chi longer than expected. 上个月他钱花 ~ 了。 Last month he couldn't make ends meet.
另见 see also zhǎnɡ。
◆涨方 bulkage; 涨轨 buck of rail; 涨红了脸 turn red in the face; 涨圈 piston ring; packing ring; 涨缩 har ̄ momegathus





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