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Ⅰ ❶ (大洋靠近陆地的部分,有的大湖也叫海) sea;big lake: 渤 ~ the Bohai Sea;
出 ~ put out to sea;
洱 ~ Erhai Lake (in Yunnan Province)
❷ (比喻连成一大片的很多同类事物) a great number of people or things gathering together: 林 ~ a vast stretch of forest;
人 ~ a sea of people;crowds of people;
血 ~ seas of blood;
云 ~ the sea of cloud
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 瑞 Hai Rui Ⅱ ❶ (形容容量、口气等大) extra large;of great capacity: ~ 碗 a very big bowl
❷ [方] (极言其多) countless: 广场上的人可 ~ 啦! There were countless people in the square. Ⅲ [方] (漫无目标地) randomly or aimlessly: ~ 骂 shout at no one particular;~ 找 look high and low (for sth.)
◆海岸 seaboard;seabeach;seashore;seacoast;coast;shore;
海岸线 beachline;sea line;shoreline;strandline;coastline;
海拔 height;height above sea level;elevation;
海白菜 sea lettuce;
海百合 {动} Metacrinus;sea lily;crinoid;
海报 bill;playbill;
海豹 {动} Phoca vitulina;seal;sea dog;common seal;
海豹类栖息处 sealing ground;
海豹皮 sealskin;sculp;seal;
海北天南 faraway;distance from the north sea to the south sky;
海笔 {动} sea pen;sea feather;
海边 {地理} sea front;seaside;
海标 seamark;
海滨 strand;{地质} seashore;seastrand;beach;seaside;
海冰 rubble;sea ice;
海波 wave;{摄}hyposulfite;hypo;
海不扬波 The sea is calm — peace in the country.;
海菜 edible seaweed;
海草 sea grass;sea-plant;sea-weed;wrack;
海产 marine products;
海潮 {地物} sea tide;
海程 distance travelled by sea;voyage;
海虫 marine borer;
海船 seacraft;seagoer;ship;seagoing vessel;
海床 seabe;
海刺鱼 fifteen-spined stickleback;
海葱 Urginea maritima; squill; scilla; 海错 [书] marine products;choice seafood;
海带 Laminaria japonica;sea-tangle;sea-tent;kelp;
海胆 {动} sea chestnut;sea hedgehog;sea urchin;
海刀豆 bay bean;
海岛 island (in the sea);
海道 sea way;
海盗 pirate;sea rover;
海德堡人 Homo heidelbergensis;Heidelberg man;
海堤 coastal levee;sea embankment;sea wall;groyne;groin;{地质} levee;
海底 the bottom of the sea;seabed;sea floor;benthos (benthon);Davy Jones's Locker;
海底捞月 try to fish out the moon from the bottom of the sea—strive for the impssible [illusory];a fruitless attempt;a useless effort;cry for the moon;dredge for the moon in the sea;fisshing for the moon in the sea;
海底捞针 dredge for a needle in the sea;fish for a needle in the ocean;hunt [look] for a needle in a haystack;impossible task;look for a needle in a bottle [bundle] of hay;look for a needle in the ocean;try to recover a needle from the bottom of the sea;useless [vain] effort;
海地 Haiti;
海雕 sea eagle;
海鲷鱼 tarwhine;
海[欧]鲽 sea dab;
海豆芽 Lingula;lingulid;linguloid;
海对海导弹 sea-to-sea missile;
海对空间导弹 sea-to-space missile;
海对水下导弹 sea-to-underwater missile;
海都之乱 rebellion of Haidou;
海蛾鱼目 Pagasus natans;Pegasiformes;
海防 Haiphong;coast defence;
海防巩固 The coastal defence is strong.;
海峰 seapeak;seamount;
海风 sea breeze;sea wind;outwind;
海港 seaport;dock;harbour;
海蛤壳 concha meretricis seu cyclinae;
海狗 Callorhinus curilensis;seal;fur seal;ursine seal;
海狗肾 testiset penis phocae;
海蛄虾 thalassinid;
海谷 {地质} sea valley;submarine valley;
海怪 sea monster;
海关 customhouse;customs;
海关监管 customs supervision;
海关检查 rummaging;customs inspection;
海关退税 customs drawback;
海光 sea light;
海鲑 bull trout;sea trout;
海龟 green (sea) turtle;sea turtle;
海涵 [敬] be magnanimous enough to forgive or tolerate (sb.'s errors or shortcomings);
海河 the Haihe River;
海红豆 circassian bean;
海狐 sea fox;
海花 seaflower;
海荒滩 strand;
海黄瓜 sea gherkin;sea cucumber;
海魂衫 sailor's striped shirt;
海火 sea fire;
海货 marine products;
海鸡冠 alcyonarian;
海脊 sea ridge;
海脊山口 abyssal gap;
海鲫 Ditrema temminchi;Japanese seaperch;
海岬 coastal cape;
海疆 coastal areas and territorial seas;
海角 cape;promontory;
海角天涯 the corners of the sea and the end of the sky — far-off regions;the corners of the world;(go to) the ends of the earth;the (ultimate) ends of the world;the four corners of the earth;the remotest corners [regions] of the earth;the utmost ends [regions;parts] of the earth;
海金沙 Lygodium japonicum;spora lygodii;
海金鱼 garibaldi;
海禁 ban on maritime trade or intercourse with foreign countries;
海景 waterscape;seascape;
海景画 marine;seascape;
海景悦目 The seascape pleases the eyes.;
海鸠 guillet;
海韭菜 Triglochin martimum;sea grass;
海军 sea service;navy;
海军军官 naval officer;
海军士官 naval noncommissioned officer;
海军战略 naval strategy;
海军战术 naval tactics;
海军战役 naval campaign;
海口 seaport;
海枯石烂 Till the seas dry up and the rocks decay,no matter what happens — an oath of unchanging fidelity.;Oceans may dry up and rocks may crumble,but ...;no matter what happens;(would never do unless) the sea dried up and the rocks perished;enen if the seas run dry and the rocks crumble;(I shall love you to the end of time) till seas run dry,stones crumble!;(lovers' pledge) till the seas dry up and rocks melt away;When the seas run dry and the rocks turn to dust ...;
海枯石烂,永不变心 Seas may run dry,rocks turn to dust,but I'll always be loyal to you.;Oceans may dry up and rocks may crumble,but their hearts will never change.;
海况 {海} sea state;sea conditions;state of the sea;
海葵 actinian;sea anemone;
海阔纵鱼跃,天高任鸟飞 The wide sea allows the fish to leap about and vast sky the birds to fly.;The field of activity is vast with brilliant prospects where much can be accomplished.;
海阔天空 as boundless as the sea and sky [heavens];as broad as the sea and sky;in open sea and sky;endlessly vast;The sea is wide and the sky spacious.;discursive;without restriction or limit;straying from the subject;rambling unrestrained and far-ranging;talk at random;indulge in loud and empty talk;
海蓝宝石 {矿} aquamarine;
海浪 sea wave;
海狸 castor;beaver;
海狸鼠 coypu;nutria;
海里 nautical mile;mile;admiralty mile;sea mile;
海蛎子 oyster;
海立云垂 The sea stands and the cloud hangs down.;
海力蒙 {纺} herringbone;
海力司粗呢 {纺} Harris tweed;
海鲢 bony fish;
海量 [敬] magnanimity;great capacity for liquor;
海岭 ridge;
海流 ocean current;seawater;
海龙 [口] sea otter;Syngnathus schlegeli;pipefish;
海龙卷 (水龙卷) waterspout;
海龙虾肉 rock lobster;
海隆 sea rise;submarine rise;
海路 sea route;sea-lane;seaway;
海陆风 land and sea breeze;
海陆空联合作战 aero-amphibious warfare;
海陆升降 bradyseism;
海绿石 tere veate;glauconite;
海轮 seagoing vessel;ocean going vessel;
海伦花 helen flower;
海萝 gloiopeltis;
海螺 conch;sea snail;whelk;
海落河干 dried up;
海洛因 heroin [heroine];diamorphine;[俚] scag [skag];smack;snow;
海马 Hippocampus japonicus;Odobenus rosmarus;sea horse;
海马铃薯 sea potato;
海骂一气 vituperation;
海鳗 Muraenesox cinereus;long-jawed conger eels;conger pike;
海螨 halacarid;
海虻[芒]果 [马达加斯加] tanghin;cerbera manghas;
海锚 sea anchor;drogue;
海米 dried shrimps;
海绵 sponge;[古] spunge;foam rubber or plastic;
海绵底球鞋 sponge-insoled shoes;
海绵状 spongy;
海面 sea level;sea surface;sea;
海面回[反射]波 sea return;
海面升降[进退] eustasy;
海鸣 sea noise;
海南 Hainan (Province);
海南岛 Hainan Island;
海难险 marine perils;perils of the sea;
海难救助 salvage at sea;
海内 within the four seas;throughout the country;
海内存知己,天涯若比邻 A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.;As long as one has a true friend,he is close even when far away.;Bosom friends within the four seas are close neighbours though separated by great distance.;Bosom friends within the four seas are close neighbours though separated by oceans.;
海内孤本 only extant copy of a rare book;
海内名士 the most distinguished men of the country;
海内清平 The country is in peace and good order.;
海内人望 be the cynosure of the whole country;
海内无双 unequalled or peerless in the whole country;
海内晏如 Peace reigns throughout the land [within the four seas].;a peaceful time;The country is in peace.;
海内宗仰 be held in esteem throughout the country;be admired in the whole country;
海鲇 sea catfish;
海鸟 seabird;seafowl;
海牛 manatee;sea cow;sea slug;
海鸥 sea mew;sea gull;mew;quet;
海派 “Shanghai style or school”,a school of Beijing opera;
海盘车 Asterias;starfish;
海螃蟹 sea-crab;
海泡石 meerschaum;seafoam;sepiolite;
海盆 {海} sea basin;
海蓬子 glasswort;froggrass;
海螵蛸 {中药} cuttlebone;sepium;
海平面 sea level;
海平原 sea plain;
海葡萄 sea grape;
海桥 sea-bridge;
海青鱼 cluped pallasi;
海丘 knoll;seaknoll;dome;
海区 {军} sea area;
海渠 faro;furrow;
海泉 {穴位} Haiquan;
海雀 puffin;loomery;auk;guillemot;
海人[仁]草 Digenea simplex;tanaka;
海沙 sea sand;
海山 seamount;
海鳝 moray;moray eel;
海扇 sea fan;scallop;
海商保险合同 marine insurance contract;
海商保险人 marine insurer;
海商法 maritime law;
海商旗 maritime flag;
海上 at sea;on the sea;seaborne;
海上无鱼虾自大 Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.;
海上之盟 alliance between Sung and Kin over the sea;
海蛇 Hydrophis cyanocinctus;sea serpent;sea snake;
海深图 bathygram;bathygraphic chart;
海参 sea cucumber;sea slug;trepang;
海参崴 Haishenwai;
海生植物 thalassophyte;
海狮 sea lion;sea dog;
海十字 seacross;
海石蟹 lithodid;
海石竹 marsh daisy;
海蚀 marine abrasion;wave erosion;marine corrosion;
海事 maritime affairs;accident on the sea;
海誓山盟 exchange solemn vows and pledges;lovers pledge of eternal loyalty until the seas dry up and rocks decay;make a solemn pledge [oath] of (eternal) love;Oaths high as the mountains and vows deep as the ocean were exchanged.;plight one's troth;swear by the sea and by the hills;swear inviolable oaths of mutual love and fidelity;swear unchanging fidelity in oaths high as the mountains and deep as the ocean;They swore a great oath that neither would love anyone else.;They swore together an oath of fidelity,vowing never to change until their lives' end.;
海誓山盟,永不变心 vow from one's heart to be true to sb. one's whole life long;
海市蜃楼 mirage;a fantasied edifice;castle in Spain;fata morgana Sicily;flyaway;illusive castle in the air;image of towns and markets in mirage;loomings;unreal appearance;illusions or hopes that cannot be realized;
海水 seawater;brine;the sea;
海水不可斗量 The sea cannot be measured with a bushel — great minds can not be fathomed.;Do not estimate the abilities of a great man with a small measure.;Sea water is immeasurable.;
海水养殖 seaculture;mariculture;marine culture;marine cultivation;sea-water aquiculture;
海说神聊 talk at random;
海丝 byssus;sea silk;
海松 sea pine;Corean [Korean] pine;
海损 average;sea damage;
海损理算 average adjustment;
海笋 piddock;phola;
海獭 Enhydra lutris;sea otter;
海苔 sea sedge;
海台 tableland;plateau;tableknoll;
海滩 coastal beach;beach;seabeach;[法] plage;
海塘 seawall;
海棠 {植} Malus spectabilis;Chinese flowering crabapple;cherry-apple tree;
海涛汹涌 the dashing of billows;
海天相接 The great ocean stretches away to meet the sky.;
海天一色 The sea melted into the sky.;The sea and the sky merged into one.;
海桐 pittosporum tobira;
海图 {航} sea chart;marine chart;nautical chart;blueback;
海兔 Aplysia;sea hare;
海豚 {脊椎} Delphinus delphis;dolphin;delphis;delphinids;porpoise;
海外 overseas;abroad;
海外归来 return from abroad;
海外留学人员 Chinese students and scholars studying abroad;
海外奇谈 a strange story from beyond [over] the seas;a fantastic tale;a curious tale;an exciting story of adventure;a tall story;a traveler's tale;strange stories of other countries; an unfounded,absurd assertion or story;
海外投资 overseas investment;
海湾 gulf;bay;loch;
海碗 large bowl;
海王星 {天} Neptune;
海味 seafood;marine food products;choice seafood;
海屋添筹 The sea house adds in lots — wish sb. longevity;add counters to the rooms which store up counters recording great changes that time brings to the world;
海雾 sea fog;sea smoke;
海虾篓 lobster pot;
海峡 strait;gullet;fretum;channel;pass;sound;gut;[俄] kyle;
海鲜 seafood;
海相 {地质} marine facies;sea facies;
海象 morse;walrus;
海啸 bore;tsunami;tidal wave;seismic sea wave;seaquake;
海啸风狂 The sea roars and the wind rages.;
海星 starfish;stelleroid;asteroid;sea star;
海鸦 murre;
海鸭 sea duck;sea drake;
海牙 The Hague;
海崖 {地质} seascarp;sea cliff;
海淹 marining;
海盐 baysalt;sea salt;
海燕 petrel;sea swallow;Asterina pectinifera;
海晏河清 when the sea is quiet and the river clear — piping times of peace;peace and tranquility under heaven [throughout the world];time of peace and calm;when the Huanghe River is clean and the sea calms down;
海洋 seas and oceans;ocean;[诗] blue;
海洋采油基地submarine oil production base;
海洋调查 oceanographic survey;oceanographic research;
海洋工程 oceaneering;oceanographic engineering;
海洋公园 sea park;
海洋环境科学 marine environmental science;
海洋经济 marine economy;
海洋经济产业 marine economic industry;
海洋经济学 ocean economics;
海洋开发 ocean development;
海洋开发产业 ocean development industry;
海洋空间 ocean space;
海洋论者 marinist;
海洋生物 marine organism;halobios;
海洋污染 ocean polluting;
海洋学 oceanography;oceanology;thalassography;
海洋运输保险 maritime transportation insurance;marine insurance;ocean transportation insurance;
海妖 siren;
海鹦 loomery;
海用导航雷达 marine navigation radar;
海用雷达 marine radar;
海用桩木 marine pile;
海邮 by sea;sea mail;
海鲉 red fish;Norway haddock;hemdurgan;lockee cod;rosefish;
海芋 Alocasia odora;
海域 sea area;maritime space;
海渊 tectogene;tectogen;ocean deep;
海员 seaman;sailor;mariner;
海源湖 marine lake;
海源咸水湖 marine-originated salt water ake;
海运 sea transportation;ocean shipping;ocean carriage;transport by sea;
海运河 sea canal;
海运货物 carriage of goods by sea;
海运货物保险 marine cargo insurance;
海葬 sea-burial;[俚] deep six;
海藻 Sargassum;seaweed;marine algae;thalassophyte;kelp;sea wrack;varek;
海枣 Phoenix dactylifera;date;date mussel;date shell;
海贼 sea poacher;
海闸 coaster gate;
海战 sea warfare;naval battle;
海蜇 Rhopilema esculentum;jellyfish;
海珍采集船 pearl boat;
海震 {地质} seaquake;submarine earthquake;seashock;
海中孤岛,地在东隅 sea in isolated island,land in eastern corner;
海中山脉 seamounts;
海洲香薷 Elsholtzia haichowensis





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