释义 |
全心全意quán xīn quán yìcomplete devotion;dedicate oneself fully to; devote oneself entirely (/heart and soul) to; give one’s (whole) mind to; heart and soul; set one’s whole mind and heart on;wholeheartedly; with all one’s heart ❍ 事实也证明,党员只有~地争取党的事业的发展、成功和胜利,才能提高自己的能力,增加自己的本领,…… (刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》52) The facts prove that only by complete devotion in the fight for the advancement,success and victory of the Party’s cause can a Party member heighten his effectiveness and ability,…/我们应该谦虚,谨慎,戒骄,戒躁,~地为中国人民服务,……(《毛泽东选集》928) We should be modest and prudent,guard against arrogance and rashness,and serve the Chiness people heart and soul. ❍ 谁是真的?谁是假的?谁是~为着民族国家而日夜奔波?谁又是享着高官厚禄,鱼肉人民,而在一块块拍卖自己祖宗世世代代居住的国土?(杨沫《青春之歌》561) How can we tell the difference?The genuine patriots devote themselves heart and soul to serving the people and the state. The frauds hold high office,grind down the people and are selling piecemeal the land where our forebears have lived for generations. ❍ 周总理~地为人民服务,不知疲倦地工作,真是鞠躬尽瘁,达到了忘我的境界。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—240) Premier Zhou served the people wholeheartedly. He did not know the meaning of fatigue in his work and worked tirelessly and self lessly. ❍ ~,投身到工作里边,你的生活就会充实和快乐。(周立波《山乡巨变》 135) If you set your whole mind and heart on your work,your life will be full and happy. ❍ 我从一个轻率、空虚、落后的小资产阶级小姐成长为一个~为进步而生活和奋斗的人。(叶华《幻想和现实》) I had turned from a spoiled,backward petty bourgeois girl into a human being that thinks in a new way,and works with all the fibres of her heart and mind for progress. 全心全意quán xīn quán yì形容一心一意。whole hearted, heart and soul, with all one’s heart, body and soul |