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❶ (用于地名) a word used in a place name: ~ 叠 Gemen (an ancient county,which is now in the east of Ledu County,Gansu Province)
❷ (用于水名) a word used in a river name: ~ 亹 the Gemen River
另见 see also hào。


❶ (浩大) great;vast;grand
❷ (多) a great many;much Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 贾 Hao Gu
另见 see also ɡǎo;ɡé。
◆浩大 very great;huge;vast;
浩荡 vast and mighty;broad;magnificent;
浩繁 vast and numerous;
浩瀚 vast;
浩瀚如海 be vast as the ocean;huge quantities;
浩浩荡荡 go forward with great strength and vigour;exceedingly great; in formidable array; in massive, streaming columns;in mighty contingents;in mighty formation;(The army) moved like a great flood.;vast and mighty;
浩劫 great calamity;catastrophe;havoc;holocaust;scourge;
浩淼[渺 (of water) extending into the distance;vast;
浩气 noble spirit;
浩气长存 imperishable noble spirit;a noble spirit that will never perish;
浩气凛然 awe-inspiring noble spirit;
浩气凌云 fully to display one's noble spirit;
浩然而去 leave at once without hesitation;go away quickly;
浩然正气 awe-inspiring righteousness;the great spirit;
浩然之气 the natural greatness of a soul — magnanimous;spirit of fearlessness;one's vital spirit;noble spirit;
浩如烟海 as vast as the smoke and sea — multitude;as vast as the open sea;as vast as a misty ocean;tremendous amount of...;
浩生 a surname;
浩叹 heave a deep sigh;sigh deeply;
浩星 a surname





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