单词 | motor |
释义 | motor /'msuts(r); 'motv/ n 1 device which imparts or utilizes power (esp electric power) to produce motion, but not used of a steam engine: 发动机(尤指以电力发动者,但不用以指蒸汽引擎); 马达: fans driven by electric ~s. 由电动机转动的电扇。 2 (attrib, and in compounds) having, driven by, an internal combustion engine, a diesel engine, etc which generates mechanical power: (形容甬法及用于复合字中)由产生机械动力之内燃机、柴油机等所推动的: ~-vehicles; 机动车辆; 摩托车辆; a ' ~-boat/ -coach/-scooter, etc. 汽艇(公共汽车,速可达机车等)。 ,as'sisted adj (eg of a pedal bicycle) having an engine to help propulsion. (如指脚踏塞)有发动机辅助推进的。 ~ cade n (US) procession of ~ vehicles. (K) 机动车辆行列; (汽)车队。 ~ car (also car) n closed road vehicle on four wheels with a ~ engine, with seats usu both front and back, for 2—6 people. 汽车。 ~ cycle (colloq 俗称 ' ~- bike) n open road vehicle on two wheels with a ~ engine, with one seat for the driver, and usu with space for a passenger behind the driver. 机车; 摩托车。 cpillion, '~-man /-maen; -man/ n (pl -men) driver of an electric vehicle. 电车或电勤火车司机。 '~-way n road designed and built especially for continuously moving fast traffic, with dual carriageways and going over or under other roads. 高速公路(供高速车辆行驶的双线车道,高架于其他道路之上或穿过其他道路之下)。 3 = —car (car is more usu) (car 较常用): the trade; 汽车业; the 、 M~ Show. 汽 4 muscle able to produce movement of a part of the body: 运 HHU: ~ nerve, nerve that excites movements of a muscle or muscles.运动神经。 vi [VP2A, C] travel by ~-car: 乘汽车旅行: ~ from London to Brighton. 乘汽车从伦敦去布来顿。 ~ist /-ist; -ist/ n person who drives (and usu owns) a ~-car. 驾驶汽车(通常指自己的汽车)者; 乘汽车旅行者。 '~ize /-aiz; -Zaiz/ vt [VP6A] equip (troops, etc) with ~ transport. 摩托化; 以汽车装备(军队等)。 |
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