济(濟)jǐⅠ ❶ (古水名) the Ji River ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 欣 Ji Xin Ⅱ [书] (众多) many;numerous: 人才 ~ ~ an abundance of capable people;a galaxy of talent Ⅲ [书] ❶ (排斥;废弃) squeeze out;abandon;cast aside ❷ (过滤) strain;filter 另见 see also jì。 ◆济济 (of people) many;numerous; 济济一堂 a gathering of many people;a great assemblage of people in a hall;a large gathering in an auditorium;gather together under the same roof;The house is packed with guests.; 济南 Jinan (in Shandong Province)
济(濟)jì ❶ (过河;渡) cross a river: 同舟共 ~ people in the same boat help each other;pull together to tide over difficulties ❷ (帮助;救济) aid;relieve;help: 扶危 ~ 困 help the distressed and succour those in peril;~ 人之急 relieve sb. in need; 缓不 ~ 急。 Slow action cannot save a critical situation. ❸ (对事情有益;成) be of help;benefit: 无 ~ 于事 not help matters;be of no help 另见 see also jǐ。 ◆济河焚舟 cross the river and burn the ship — show one's determination to fight to the last;draw the sword and throw away the scabbard; 济贫 help [relieve] the poor;give help to the poor;help [relieve] the people in distress; 济贫扶困 give help to the poor,to those who are in need; 济世安民 assist one's generation and bring comfort to the common people; 济世拯道 save the society from becoming degraded; 济世之才 a person endowed with the talent to govern and to serve; 济危扶困 champion the cause of the underdog and assist people in distress; 济危扶倾 aid the distressed and support the tottering |