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❶ (拉出;抽出) pluck;pull out;pull up;draw;move:~ 钉 pull out a nail;~ 刺 pluck a thorn;~ 草 pull up weeds;~ 麦子 harvest wheat;~ 腿 take to one's heels;~ 牙 extract [pull out] a tooth;~ 剑 draw one's sword
❷ (吸出) draw;suck out:~ 毒 draw out poison;
把火 ~ 一 ~。 Put a chimney on the stove to make the fire draw.
❸ (挑选) select;choose;pick;promote:选 ~ select from candidates;
提 ~ promote
❹ (向高提) lift;raise:~ 起嗓子喊 shout at the top of one's voice
❺ (超出;高出) stand out among;surpass:海 ~ degrees above sea level;
出类 ~ 萃 be distinguished from one's kind;stand out among one's fellows;be out of the common run
❻ (攻克;夺取) capture;seize:~ 据点 capture enemy's stronghold;~ 寨 seize enemy fortress
❼ (移动;改变) move;change
❽ [方] (冷却) cool:用凉水 ~啤酒cool a bottle of beer in ice water Ⅱ ❶{机} drawing:冷 ~ cold drawing;
热 ~ hot drawing
❷ [书] (栝;箭的末端) the pointed end of an arrow
❸ (姓氏) a surname:~ 山 Ba Shan
◆拔本塞源 extirpate the root of an evil;abandon the source;clear up source and restore purity;despise the source;
拔草 pull up weeds;weed;
拔除 pull out;uproot;eradicate;remove;
拔刀相助 draw a sword and render help;take up the cudgels against an injustice;
拔地而起 rise straight from the ground;rising abruptly out of the ground;
拔毒 {中医} draw out pus by applying a plaster to the affected part;draw out poison;
拔管 tube drawing ;拔罐(子) {中医} cup;cupping;
拔火罐 {中医} cupping glass;
拔火罐儿 detachable stove chimney;
拔尖(儿) tiptop;top-notch;outstanding;the very best;push oneself to the front;push oneself forward;feel one is superior to others;
拔尖人才 top-notch personnel;
拔剑自刎 draw [take] one's sword to slay oneself;
拔苗助长 try to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward — spoil things by excessive enthusiasm (descriptive of a person,impatient for success,so acts as to destroy the very conditions upon which success depends);pull up a seedling in the mistaken hope of helping it to grow;pull up corn by the roots in the hope of making it grow faster;pull up seedlings to help them grow;
拔牙 extract a tooth;pull out a tooth;exelcymosis;
拔秧 {农} pull up seedlings;
拔帜易帜 pull down [out;up] other's flag and replace it with one's own;take sb.'s place;replace [supersede] sb.





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