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单词 defy
释义 defy /di'fai; di'fai/ vt (pt, pp -tied) 1 [VP6A] resist openly; say that one is ready to fight. 公然反抗; 声言不惜以武力相智。 2 [VP6A] refuse to obey or show respect to: 不服从; 不尊重; 违抗: ~ing one's superiors. 违抗长上。 If you ~ the law, you may find yourself in prison. 如果你不服从法律,你就 2 能会坐牢。 3 [VP6A] offer difficulties that cannot be overcome: 有无法克服的困难: The problem defied solution, could not be solved. 这问齿不能解决。 The door defied all attempts to open it. 这门无论如何打不开。 4 [VP17] ~ sb to do sth, call, on sb to do sth that one believes he cannot or 北 ill not do: 挑激某人做某事 (即相信他做不到或不愿做): I ~ you to prove that 1 have cheated. 我敢说你不能证明我曾欺骗。 defiance.




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