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powern. 1. ability能力。 △H.VIII.2.4.85 (87):“and ofwisdom / Overtopping woman’s power.”你的智慧,超出一般女子的能力之上。 2. force,strength 力量,力气。 △H.V.3.6.7: “and aman that I love and honour with my soul,and myheart,and my duty,and my life,and my living,andmy uttermost power.”他是我用我的灵魂、我的心、我的恭顺、我的生命、我的生存以及我的一切力量所爱戴和尊敬的一个人。 △ 1H.VI.5.3.60:“I have no power to let her pass,/My hand would free her,but my heart says no.”我没有力量放她走开,我的手要放她,我的心却说不。have power upon: overpower 压倒。 △Mac.5.3.6:“Fear not,Macbeth: no man that’s born of womanShall e’er have power upon thee.”别怕,麦克白:凡是女人生出来的人都不能压倒你。 3. bodily organ,active faculty 身体的器官,活动的官能。 △L.L.L.4. 3. 330 (327): “Courses as swift as thought in every power,”像思想一般迅速地通过身体上每一个器官。 △H.VIII.3.2.189 (187):“and every function of your power,”你的每一种器官的功能。 4. armed force,fighting force,forces 武力,兵力。 △2H.IV.1.3.29: “Flattering himself in project of power/ Much smaller than the smallest of his thoughts.”他陶醉在对一支援军的期望之中,其实那援军比他想像中的最小的军队还要小得多。 △H.V.2.4.1: “Thus comes the English with full power upon us.”英国人就这样拿出全部兵力来侵犯我们了。 △1H.VI.2.2.32: “Afterthat things are set in order here,We’ll follow themwith all the power we have.”等这里的事情安排就绪之后,我们就拿出全部兵力去追赶他们。 △R.III.4.3.47: “AndBuckingham,backed with the hardy Welshmen,/ Isin the field,and still his power increaseth.”白金汉,得到了强悍的威尔士人的支持,也上了战场,他的兵力一直增强。 5. army,troops 军队,部队。 △As.5.4.163(156): “Addressed a mighty power,”调动一支大军。 △ Lr.3.1.30:“But true it is,from France there comes a power / Into this scattered kingdom,”可是从法国的的确确有一支部队开进了这个分裂的王国。 △Mac.4.3.185: “the tyrant’s power”,那暴君的队伍。 △Mac.4.3.235 (236): “our power is ready,”我们的军队已经准备好了。 △1H.IV.1.1.22: “Forthwith a power of English shall we levy, Whose arms were moulded in their mother’s womb,”(mother’s,i.e. England’s.) 我们要立即征集一支英吉利人的军队,他们的胳膊是在娘胎里就锻炼好了。 △1H.IV.4.1.18:“Who leads his power?”谁率领他的部队? △1H.IV.5.3.0.s.d.:“The trumpets sound. The King enters with his power and passes over.”号角鸣。亨利王率军上,从台上走过,下。 △1H.IV.5.5.34: “Then this remains. that we divide our power.”现在还有一件事,我们要把军队分开。 △ 2H.IV.1.1.132: “and hath sent out A speedy power to encounter you,”并且已经派出一支急行的军队来与你作战。 △1H.VI.1.4.101: “The Dauphin. with one Joan de Pucelle joined,/ A holy prophetessnew risen up,/ Is come with a great power to raisethe siege.”法国太子,联合一个叫少女贞德的人,是一位新起来的神圣女先知,率领一支大军前来解围了。 △2H.VI.4.4.39:“My gracious lord,retire to Killingworth / Until apower be raised to put them down,”仁慈的主上,请退到吉灵渥斯去吧,然后召集军队把他们镇压下去。 △3H.VI.2.1.177:“Their power,I think,is thirty thousandstrong.”他们的军队,我想,有三万人之众。southern power: southern army 南方军队。 △3H.VI.1.1.155: “’Tis not thy southern power / Of Essex,Norfolk,Suffolk,nor of Kent,/ Which makes theethus presumptuous and proud,/ Can set the Duke upin despite (i. e. spite) of me.”(Northumberlandspeaks from the vantage point of a northern earl.)纵然你拥有爱塞克斯、诺福克、萨福克和肯特等地的南方军队,专横跋扈、不可一世,但你休想不顾我的反对把约克公爵扶持为王。 6. authority,command 权威,指挥权。 power of: command over 对…的指挥权。 △ 1H.VI.3.3.83: “My forces and my power of men are yours.”我的部队和指挥权都交给你们了。 7. man of authority,influential person 权威人士,有势力的人。 △H.VIII.2.4.111 (113): “powers are your re-tainers,”i.e.men of authority serve you.朝内有权势者都成了你的随从。 8. authority: (prob.) persons of the highest authority权威;(转义)最高当权者。 △H.V.5.2.304 (280) s.d.:“Enter the French Power and the English Lords.”法国最高当权者(法王、王后、勃艮第等)与英国诸贵族上。 9. supernatural agent,spirit,god 超自然力量,精灵,神灵。 △3H.VI.4.6.68: “If secret powers/Suggest but truth to my divining thoughts,”假如冥冥中的神灵向我预测未来的想像所启示的是真情的话… △ Lr.1.1. 210 (207):“by the power that made me,”凭着赋予我生命的神灵起誓。 △Oth. 2.1.198 (195):“Amen to that,sweet pow-ers!”但愿如此,慈悲的神明! △ Mac.4.3.237 (238):“thepowers above”,天上的神灵。 power功率物体在单位时间内所做的功。电能的功率单位有尔格/秒、焦耳/秒(瓦特)和千瓦特等。机械能的功率单位有米·千克/秒和马力等。一马力等于735瓦。
power幂数学名词。一个数自乘若干次所得的积,亦名乘幂、乘方。n个a相乘的积称为“a的n次幂”,记作an。a是底数,n是指数。 power[ˈpauə]n. 电源,功率,放大率,幂,权力,权限,势力,强权,强国,动力,力量 ◇ a power of大量,许多 be beyond one’s powers不能胜任,力所不及 come to(into) power(开始)掌权,上台 do all in one’s power竭尽全力 delegate powers to lower levels放权 fall from power下野,下台 have sb. in one’s power =have power over sb. 控制某人,能摆布某人 in one’s power为某人力所能及 in power当权 lodge power in sb.授权某人 out of one’s powers不能胜任,力所不及 put into power使执政,使上台 put it out of sb.’s power使某人无能为力 seize power夺取政权 share power权力共享 take power取得政权 to the nth power极端地 vote into power选举当权 ‖ acoustic power声功率 acoustical speech power语言声功率 amplifying power放大功率 attraction power吸引力 audio power音频功率 balance of power势均力敌,均势 balance of power strategy均势战略 balance power势力均衡 big powers列强,大国 broadcasting power广播功率 candle power烛光 chromatic discrimination power辩色能力 chromatic resolving power彩色分辩本领 coloring power染色本领 concurrent power平行权力 covering power视力作用范围,拍摄作用 decision-making power自主权 definiting power清晰度 descriptive power描述能力 focal power光焦度,屈光本领 function and power职权 great power强国,大国 group of powers国家集团 hard power硬实力 heuristic power启发能力 imaginative power想象力 light gathering power聚光本领 lighting power亮度 magnifying power放大率 masking power遮盖力 musical power音乐 “功率”native power天赋 nuclear power核国家 optimum resolving power最佳分辨力 organ of power权力机构 person in power当权派 phonetic speech power语言功率 power house发电站 power amplifier功率放大器 power and influence权势 power and position权位 power area投篮命中率高的地区 power behaviour权力行为 power boat汽艇 power boat racing汽艇比赛 power boating摩托艇运动 power book笔记本电脑 power bounding drill大力弹跳练习 power brake动力制动 power broker政治掮客 power clean高翻,力量翻 power consumption能量消耗 power curl身体摆动的弯举 power diplomacy强权外交 power driver动力传动的 power elite权力精英 power failure断电,停电 power farm机械化耕作 power gas动力气体 power glider动滑翔机 power grids in urban and rural areas城乡电网 power hand用力的手 power house smash强有力的扣杀 power house以优势力量取胜,发电站 power in distribution分销权力power indicator lamp电源指示灯 power jerk借力挺 power kite飞机 power leader权力领袖 power lead电口笛 power motive权力动机 power of a set集的幂 power of action活动力 power of alienation财产转让权 power of appointment任命权,委任权 power of attorney代理权,委托书,授权书 power of buyers购买者能力 power of defense防御力power of disallowance驳回权 power of final adjudication终审权 power of habit习惯的力量 power-off flight被动飞行 power of intellect理性的力量 power of interpretation解释权 power of mind or reason心灵或理性的力量 power of mortgage抵押权力 power of muscular contraction肌肉收缩功率 power of push-off蹬腿力量 power of relation关系的力量 power of sale变卖权,销售权 power of sanction制裁权 power of sb. to make one’s own decision 自主权 power of search搜查权 power of self-enjoyment自寻享乐的能力 power of soul灵魂的力量 power of substitution代办权 power of suppliers供应商能力power of the community公众的势力 power of work工作强度 power-on flight主动飞行 power plant动力装置,发电站 power play以多打少,集中力量进攻的打法 power play goals以多打少攻进的球 power play shot集中力量射门,集中力量投篮 power politics强权政治 power relations权力关系 power serve 大力发球 power set幂集 power set axiom幂集公理 power shot劲射,强行投篮 power skating全力滑跑 power snatch高抓 power spectrum功率谱 power station发电站 power structure权力结构 power struggle权力斗争 power switch电源开关,穿腿翻上 power test难度测验 power to engage in foreign trade外贸自营权 power to inquire into the constitutionality of laws 违宪审查权 power to move the feelings感染力 power to render tax break税收减免权 power to supervise through auditing审计监督权 power to tax课税权利,征税权 power training力量训练 power veto否决权 power volleyball强攻型排球 power want权力欲 powers of audit office审计部门权利 powers of office职权 resolution power分辨能力 separation of powers分权 soft power软实力 stopping power驻足力 tinting power授色力 veto power否决权 visual resolving power视觉分辨率 will power意志力 world powers世界强国 powered flight动力飞行 powered mixer功放调音器 powerful adj. 有(权)力的,强大的 powerful and influential显要 powerful mass media强大的大众传播媒介 powerful nation强国powerful shot强有力的球,强有力的射门,重扣 powerful smash大力扣杀 powerless adj.powerlessness n.无能为力,无助性,无权力 powerlifter n. 力量举重运动员 powerlifting n.力量举重 |