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单词 洋洋自得

洋洋自得扬扬自得yáng yáng zì dé

be in ecstacies of elation; complacent(ly); elated; gleeful(ly); perk oneself up; self-conceited; self-satisfied;with a complacent air
❍ 夜袭队长刘魁胜出谋划策领头干,和武工队连碰几次,虽说每次都伤了人,到底还是占了上风头,好不~。(冯志《敌后武工队》208) The head of the Night Raiders,Liu Kuisheng,putting his brainwave into action,had skirmished with the armed work team several times; he had gained points,though each time some of his men were wounded,and was in ecstacies of elation./“别去啦!” 大烟囱~的声音说: “等你来想办法,早就完啦。你们等着吧! 大夫都快来啦。……”(《高玉宝》99) “There’s no need,”said Big Chimney-stack complacently. “If we’d waited for you,a nice mess we’d be in now! The doctor’s on his way.…/徐鹏飞默不作声,眼角里闪露出暗自思索的无言的目光,和严醉~的脸色,形成鲜明的对照。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》514) Xu Pengfei said nothing and the brooding look in his eyes contrasted sharply with Yan Zui’s complacency.
❍ 他突然想起早上克莱斯上校那付~和指手划脚的样子,不由得在心底里冷笑着:……(杨佩谨《剑》228) Suddenly remembering how Colonel Kleiss had gesticulated gleefully that morning,he sneered in his heart of hearts,…





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