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单词 泰山北斗

泰山北斗tài shān běi dǒu

Mount Taishan and the Big Dipper—respectful epithet for a person of distinction; leading scholars of the time
❍ 他们都是学术界当今的~,充分受到人民的敬仰。They are all leading scholars of the time and are highly respected by the people.

泰山北斗tai shan bei dou

Mount Tai and the Big Dipper—leading scholar of the time

泰山北斗tai shan bei dou

Mount Tai and the Big Dipper (meaning leading scholar of the time)

泰山北斗tài shān běi dǒu

泰山:在山东省境内;北斗:指北斗星。比喻德高望重为众人所敬仰的人。leading scholar of the times, Mount Tai Shan and the worth star, a man of high character and great prestige





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