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单词 沿


(顺着) along: ~ 门乞讨 go begging from door to door; ~ 着河边走 walk along the river; ~ 着海岸航行 sail along the coast; ~ 街种了花木。 Along the streets trees and flowers were planted. Ⅱ ❶ (依照) follow (a tradition, pattern, etc.): 世代相 ~ be handed down from generation to generation; 相 ~ 成习 become a custom through long usage
❷ (镶边) trim (with tape, ribbon, etc.): 在衣领上 ~ 一道边 trim the collar of a garment Ⅱ (边, 多用在名词后) edge; border: 床 ~ the edge of a bed; 沟 ~ banks of a ditch or canal; 前 ~ forward position
另见 see also yàn。
◆沿岸 coastal; offshore; longshore; littoral; along the bank or coast; 沿边儿 trim; braid; 沿边开放 open border areas to the outside world; 沿边开放城市 coastal open cities; coast-line open cities; coastal cities to open to the outside world; 沿革 the course of change and development; evolution; 沿海 along the coast; coastal; littoral; inshore; 沿江 along the river; littoral or riparian; 沿街 along the street; 沿阶草 {植} dwarf lilyturf; 沿路 along the road; on the roadside; on the way; 沿门托钵 live as mendicant monks; beg for alms from house to house; beg from house to house with a bowl in hand; 沿条儿 welt; a braid or tape for joining parts of a dress; 沿途 on the way; throughout a journey; 沿袭 carry on as before; follow; 沿线 along the line; 沿用 continue to use


(水边) water's margin; bank: 沟 ~ 儿 edge of a ditch; 河 ~ riverside
另见 see also yán。





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