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单词 纸上谈兵

纸上谈兵zhǐ shàng tán bīng

be an armchair strategist (/general); engage in idle theorizing; fight only on paper; make empty talks about warfare
❍ 做一个真正能干的高级指挥员,不是初出茅庐或仅仅善于在~的角色所能办到的,必须在战争中学习才能办得到。(《毛泽东选集》165) Neither a beginner nor a person who fights only on paper can become a really able high ranking commander; only one who has learned through actual fighting in war can do so.
❍ 黛玉湘云二人称赞不已,说:“可见咱们天天是舍近求远。现有这样诗人在此,却天天去~。” (《红楼梦》999) Daiyu and Xiangyun heaped praise on this ending. “We’ve been ignoring a talent right under our eyes,yet trying to seek what is far away!” they exclaimed. “We have such a superior poetess here,yet every day we pretend to be able to write.”


fight only on paper;talk about stratagems on paper;be an armchair strategist;engage in idle theorizing(or empty talk); talk glibly about generalities without getting down to specific problems

纸上谈兵zhǐ shàn tán bīnɡ

在纸面上谈论用兵理论。比喻空谈理论,不切合实际。fight only on paper, make empty talks about warfare





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更新时间:2025/3/2 4:42:04