治zhìⅠ ❶ (治理) rule; administer; govern; manage: 统 ~ rule; govern; ~ 校 run a school; manage a school; ~ 国 administer a country ❷ (医治) treat (a disease); cure; heal: ~ 好创伤 heal the wound; 蜂皇精 ~ 神经衰弱很有效。 Royal jelly is effective in treating nervous exhaustion. 青霉素 ~ 好了他的肺炎。 Penicillin cured him of pneumonia. 医生 ~ 好了她的病。 The doctor straightened out her trouble. ❸ (消灭害虫) wipe out; eliminate: ~ 蝗 eliminate locusts; ~ 蚜虫 exterminate aphis ❹ (整治) harness (a river); regulate; control: ~ 淮 harness the Huai River; tame the Huai River; ~ 水土流失 control soil erosion ❺ (惩办) punish: 处 ~ punish; ~ 死 punish to death; 大家决定 ~ ~ 他。 We've decided to teach him a lesson. ❻ (研究) study; research: ~ 经 study classics; 专 ~ 宋史 specialize in the history of the Song Dynasty Ⅱ (安定或太平) stable and peaceful: ~ 世 peaceful and prosperous times Ⅲ ❶ (旧称地方政府所在地) seat of a formerly local government: 省 ~ provincial capital; 县 ~ county seat; 府 ~ seat of government ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 国器 Zhi Guoqi 另见 see also chí。 ◆治安 public order; public security; 治本 effect a permanent cure; get at the root; take radical measures; get at the root of a problem; provide fundamental solutions to the problems; 治标 provide temporary solutions to the problems; merely alleviate the symptoms of an illness; bring about a temporary solution; take stopgap measures; 治病救人 help sb. mend his ways to save him; cure the sickness and save the patient; cure [treat] the sickness to save the patient; put [set] a person right; 治国 administer [run] a country; manage state affairs; 治洪 flood control; 治家 manage a household; regulate a family; 治军 direct military affairs; direct troops; 治涝 water log control; 治理 administer; govern; run; manage; harness; bring under control; put in order; 治理整顿 harness and rectify; improve and rectify the economy; economic improvement and rectifications; 治疗 treat; cure; remedy; 治丧 make funeral arrangements; funeral service; take care of the funeral rites; 治水 regulate rivers and watercourses; prevent floods by water control; tame a river; 治学 pursue one's studies; do scholarly research; make a study of subjects; 治愈 cure; mend; recurred; healing; 治愈率 {医} cure rate; recovery rate; curative ratio; 治罪 punish sb. (for a crime) |