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单词 改弦易辙

改弦易辙gǎi xián yì zhé

change one’s course (/direction); change to a new orientation; dance to another tune; make a clean break with the past and make a fresh start; turn over a new leaf; strike out a new path
❍ 虽始行不端,而能翻然悔悟,~,以善其修,……(鲁迅《中国小说史略》124) Though these men made a false start,they repented,mended their ways and did good deeds.
❍ 我们以为他们会~,但他们却走得更远。We expected that they would strike out on a new path,but they went even farther.

改弦易辙ɡǎi xián yì zhé

辙:车轮轧下的痕迹。比喻改变方向、做法、计划或态度。change one’s course, strike out a new path, dance to another tune, change one’s direction





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