单词 | death |
释义 | death /de。; deO/ n [C, U] (as shown in the examples) (如例句所示)〔 dying; ending of lif e: 死亡; 依命; 逝世: There have been several ~s from drowning here this summer. 今夏这里曾有数起溺毙的事。 His mother1! ~ was a great blow to him. 他母亲的去世对他是一大打击。 at ~ 's door, dying; in danger of ~. 在死亡的边绿; 有死亡的危险。 to ~, so that dying occurs: 致死: Two children were burnt to ~ in the 大火市有两个小孩被烧死。 Don't work yourself to ~, work so hard that you become ill and die. 不要工作得把你自己累死了。 boro sb to ~, bore him extremely. 使某人非常厌烦。 sick to ~ of sb/sth. extremely tired, bored, etc. 对某人或某事物厌极了。 ,■~-bed, bed on which one dies: 临充商卧之床: The criminal made a ~-bed confession, confessed his crimes while dying. 那罪犯灶死才忏悔。 '~-duties, taxes (to be) paid on a person's property before it passes to his heir(s). 遗产税(对死者遗产未遗留给继承人前所征的税)。 '~'s head, human skull (as an emblem of ~). 骷腰; 骷使像(用作死亡的象征) 。 '~-rate, yearly number of ~s per 1000 of population. 死亡率 (每年一千人中死亡的人数) 。 '~rattle n unusual rattling sound in the throat of a dying person. 临终前喉间发出的急促而不清楚的声音。 2 killing or being killed: 杀死; 处死: The murderer was sentenced to ~, to be executed. 凶手被判死刑。 be in at the ~, (fox-hunting) see the fox killed; (fig) see the end of an enterprise, etc. (获狐) 亲见狐被射死; (喻) 亲见企业等衰落。 put sb to ~, kill him; execute him. 将某人处死。 stone sb to ~, kill him by throwing stones at him. 用石头将某人砸死。 '~-roll, list of persons killed (in war, in an earthquake, etc). (战争,地农等的) 死亡名单。'trap, place where persons are likely to be killed (eg one where many fatal traffic accidents occur); place, set of circumstances, where people lose their lives (eg a burning building with no means of escape). 有生命危险的处所 (如曾经发生多次大车褊的地方); 使人遭难的场所 (如无逃生设备的燃烧中的大楼) 。 ~ warrant, official paper giving authority for the execution of a criminal, traitor, etc; (fig) sth which destroys prospects of life or happiness, ends an old custom, etc. (对罪犯,卖国贼等) 死刑执行令; (喻) 毁灭人生前途或幸福,或破除旧习俗等的事物。 3 [U] state of being dead: 死亡的状态: eyes closed in ~; 死后紧闭的两眼; united in eg of husband and wife in the same grave. 死后合葬 (如夫妇同葬一墓) 。 D~ comes to all men. 人皆有死。 (a fate) worse than ~, to be greatly dreaded. 比死亡更可怕的 (命运) 。 |~-mask, cast taken of a dead person's face. 照死者面孔所制的面型。→ the illus at mask. 参看 mask 之插图。 4 be the ~ of sb, be the cause of sb's 岛某人的死因: That old motor-bike will be the ~ of you one of these days, you will have a fatal accident. 将来有一天,你的命会断送在那辆旧机器脚踏车上。 Don't make me laugh so much; you'll be the ~ of me, make me die of laughing. 木要使我笑得这么厉害; 你会使我笑死的。 catch one s - (of cold), (colloq) catch a cold that will be fatal. (俗) 患感冒甚重,可能致死。 '~-blow, blow that causes ~; (fig) shock from which recovery is impossible: 液命的一击; (喻) 致命的打击: a ~-blow to his hopes of success. 对于他成功的希望之致命打击。 the Black ‘D~, pestilence in Europe in the 14th c. 黑死病 (欧洲十四世纪所流行的瘟疫) 。 5 (fig) destruction; end: (喻) 毁灭; 消灭: the ~ of one's hopes/ plans. 希望 (计划) 的破灭。 |
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