释义 |
沉默寡言chén mò guǎ yánas dumb as an oyster;be sparing of words (/in speech) ; close-mouthed; be silent (/quiet); reserved; reticence and taciturnity;reticent and contemplative,self-contained (ly); keep silence; silent and uncommunicative; tacit; taciturn;tigh-lipped ❍ 过去惯于高谈阔论的人们,都变得~了。(罗广斌、杨益言 《红岩》 317) The reporters who had laughed and chattered noisily were now silent. ❍ 她,外表平凡,又~;但是她的心情是多么伟大、崇高啊! (柳青 《创业史》 480) She is ordinary in appearance and sparing in speech. But she has a great and noble heart. ❍ 他俩在炭厂里,在队上,都是~的人,也很对脾气。(知侠 《铁道游击队》 155) Both being the quiet type,they had liked each other when they worked together at the coke mill. ❍ 王和甫仍是笑嘻嘻地说。他的老是带几分开玩笑似的笑嘻嘻,和孙吉人的~是很相反的。(茅盾《子夜》 83) Wang Hefu spoke with his usual bantering smile,which contrasted strongly with Sun Jiren's reticence and taciturnity. ❍ 可是表面上她却依然对一切都淡漠,依旧~。(杨沫 《青春之歌》 12) Outwardly,however,she remained indifferent to her surround ings,being generally reticent and contemplative. 沉默寡言chén mò ɡuǎ yán默默无言,很少言笑。be scanty of words, as dumb as an oyster, reticent
沉默寡言chén mò ɡuǎ yán形容性格文静深沉,不爱多说话。very gentle and quiet in character and not to be given too much speech 沉默寡言chén mò guǎ yántaciturn;taciturnity; reticent; reticence |