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单词 bar
bar/bɑ:(r)/ n vt [-rr-; -ing /rɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 闩,横木(棍) (narrow solid piece of wood or metal across a door gate or window to keep it firmly closed) [C]:There's a strong~on the door. 门上有结实的门闩。fit~s to a window 在窗户上装闩;〖同〗pole,rod,stick,rail;

(2) 障碍(物) (sth that hinders or stops progress; barrier) [C,常 sing]:a~across the doorway 挡住门道的障碍物;a~to progress 进步的障碍;Near-sightedness/Poor health is a~to becoming a pilot. 近视/身体不好是成为飞行员的障碍。Poverty/Race is a~to success in life.贫穷/种族是生活中获得成功的障碍。〖同〗barrier,obstacle,block;〖反〗aid,help,advantage;

(3) 滩,沙洲 (bank or ridge of sand or stones under the water at the mouth of a river or the entrance to a bay) [C]:The ship stuck fast/ran aground on the~. 那船死死陷进了沙洲/在沙洲上搁浅了。〖同〗sandbar;

(4) 条状物 (rod of solid material) [C]:a~of soap/chocolate/gold/iron 一块肥皂/一块巧克力/一根金条/一根铁条;a gold/metal~金/金属条;the~s of the cells 牢房的铁窗栏杆;~magnet磁铁条;~chart 条形统计表;~code (商品上的)条形码;〖同〗block;

(5) (色、光等等)带,束(narrow strip (of sth eg colour light etc)) [C]:~s of sunlight 太阳光束;a~of red 一抹红;The blue material had~s of red running through it. 蓝料子上有贯通的红条条。〖同〗beam,band,stripe,strip,ribbon;

(6)(音乐)小节线;小节(vertical line dividing printed or written music into groups of equal value in time or one of these groups and the notes in it) [C]:The song is 24~s long. 这首歌共24小节。hum/sing the first (opening)~s of a tune 哼/唱一调子的开头几节;The new musical idea begins at the 30th~.乐曲的新思想从第30小节开始。

(7) (法庭中的)围栏 (rails in a law court separating the judge prisoner lawyers etc from the spectators) [C, 常sing]:the prisoner at the~受审人;be tried at the~公开受审判;be judged at the~of public opinion受到舆论的审判;

(8) 律师(职业);法律界(人员)((all those who belong to) the profession of barrister (BrE) or the legal profession (AmE))[C Gp the~]:be called/admitted to the~被接纳为律师;train for the~训练从事律师职业;The B~is a highly respected profession.律师是很受人尊敬的职业。

(9) 酒吧;吧台 (public house; counter across which drinks esp alcoholic ones are served) [C]:have a drink in the~在酒吧间喝点酒;meet sb in a~在一酒吧与某人见面;drink at a~在酒吧喝酒;serve behind the~在吧台后照料顾客;sit on a stool by the~坐在吧台边的高凳上; Your whisky is on the~.你的威士忌放在吧台上。a public/saloon~普通/酒店吧台;

(10)柜台,售货台;服务台 (counter where articles of a particular kind are sold or certain services are offered) [C]:a coffee/wine/milk/sandwich~咖啡/酒/牛奶/三明治台;a snack~快餐店;a hat/heel~卖帽子/修鞋后跟的柜台;a shoe~修鞋的柜台;

→′barman (BrE), ′bartender (AmE) n 酒吧男招待;′barmaid n 酒吧女招待;

vt (1) 闩上 (close or fasten a door gate etc with one or more bars) [T+n]:~a door/a window 闩上门/窗;slam and~the gate砰地关上大门并上闩;~red windows 上了闩的窗户;〖同〗bolt, fasten;〖反〗open;

(2) 把……关在里面或外面 (keep in or out by fastening the door gate windows etc) [T+n+prep (in/out of), T+n+adv(in)]:~sb/oneself out of the room/in (the house)/from the courtroom把某人/自己关在房间外/(房子)里面/审判室之外;the~red owl 被关起来的猫头鹰;

(3) 挡住,防碍 (block sth so as to prevent movement or progress) [T+n]:~the road挡住道路;~the way (to progress/success/the city)挡住(通往进步/成功/城市的)路;Fallen branches~red the way. 掉下的树枝把路堵住了。

(4) 禁止,不许 (not to allow; prevent sb from using sth or doing sth) [T+n T+-ing T+n+prep (from)]:~guns in a restaurant 禁止枪械进饭店;restrictions~ring the use of weapons 禁止使用武器;~playing cards for money/smoking at the dinner-table 禁止玩牌赌钱/在餐桌上吸烟;~sb from (enter-ing) the competition/practising medicine 禁止某人(参加)比赛/行医;Hunters are~red from wildlife sanctuaries.猎人禁止进入野生动物保护区。My lack of money~s me from going on holiday. 缺少钱使我不能去度假。〖同〗prohibit,prevent,stop,forbid,disallow;〖反〗allow,permit;

(5) 饰以条纹 (mark with narrow bands or stripes) [通常passT+n T+n+prep (with)]:a flag~red in red and white 有红白条纹的旗子;a sky~red with clouds 布有条状云的天空;

【辨异】barbarrier都可表示具体“障碍物”或抽象意义上的“障碍”。表示具体的“障碍物”时,bar指一般的“障碍物”,而 barrier则指防御性障碍物,如:a river barrier (护……的河)。还有barricade(路障,街垒),指巷战时匆忙堆成的障碍物或挖成的工事,如:a barricade of wooden boxes(木箱垒成的路障)。





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