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单词 汹涌澎湃

汹涌澎湃xiōng yǒng péng pài

billowing; raging;rising in tempestuous waves; roaring;run mountains high; surge like a mighty torrent; sweeping and surging; swell into rolling waves; tempestuous;torrential; turbulent; with powerful momentum
❍ 杨部长这几句话在他的耳朵里轰鸣着,冲击着,好象~的海浪,以一种不可抵抗的力量,拍击着海边的悬崖。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—512) These words of Yang Jian’s crashed and roared in his ears like the thunder of the incoming tide crashing against the cliffs of the seashore with irresistible force.
❍ ~的涨潮声从山脚传来,海风把欧阳海的军衣高高扬起。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》136) The mighty sound of the rising tide reached him from below. Wind billowed his army uniform.
❍ 牡丹江水,~,浪头滚滚,犹如万马奔腾,一泻千里。(曲波《林海雪原》590) The raging Peony River,with tumbling waves,raced down its long course like ten thousand stampeding horses.
❍ 工农兵奋勇前进,大革命~。(《东方红》朗诵词17)Workers,peasants and soldiers march bravely forward. |The great revolution is surging high.


争取民族独立的斗争~。The struggle for national independence was rising high(or on the upsurge)./~的历史潮流a tempestuous historical trend

汹涌澎湃xiōnɡ yǒnɡ pénɡ pài

汹涌:水奔腾向上涌的样子;澎湃:波浪相互冲击的声音。形容声势浩大,不可阻挡。run mountains high, surging, vigorous,sweep onward irresistibly, rise in tempestuous waves





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