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单词 nurse
释义 nurse2 jnus; ms/ vt [VP6A] 1 take charge of and look after (persons who are ill, injured, etc) (but not used as in the sense of nurse1 (1)): 看护; 护理(病人、伤患等)(不用以指做保姆照顾小孩): (gerund) (动名词) the nursing profession; 护理的职业; take up nursing as a career. 成护理为职秦。 Careful nursing will be needed. 需要耐心的看护。 'nursing-home n building, usu privately owned and smaller than a hospital, where persons who are ill may be cared for, operated on, etc. 疗养院(通常为私立且比瞥院小,病人在院中可获得照料、接受手术等)。 2 feed (a baby) at the breast; suckle. 哺乳; 给(婴孩)喂奶。 3 hold (a baby, a child, a pet dog) on the knees; clasp caressingly. 抱(婴孩,小孩,爱犬)在膝上; 拥抱。 4 give special care to: 特别照料; 养育; 保护: ~ young plants. 培养幼苗。 cnursery(2); ~ a constituency, keep in touch with the voters (to obtain or retain their support). 维护选举区(与选民保持接触,以获得或保有他们的支持)。~ - cold, stay at home, keep warm, in order to cure it. 待在家里保持温暖以使伤风痊愈。 5 have in the mind, think about a great deal: 蓄; 怀: ~ feelings of revenge. 蓄意复仇。




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