释义 |
汗流浃背hàn liú jiā bèiall of a sweat; be wet(/soaked) through with sweat; break into a sweat;perspire (/sweat) all over; in a sweat; stream with sweat; sweat profusely; sweat-soaked ❍ 四月的云南,天气已经很热,只穿一件单军衣还经常~。(肖应棠《巧渡金沙江》) April in Yunnan was already hot. Our thin uniforms were constantly drenched with sweat. ❍ 这当然是极刻毒的恶谑,但我们一翻历史,怕不免要有~的时候罢。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—32) Of course this is a most malicious joke,yet one glance at Chinese history is enough to make you break into a sweat. ❍ 长竹竿揭起一条很长的旗,一个~的胖大汉用两手托着: …… (鲁迅《朝花夕拾·五猖会》28) This was a great bamboo pole to which a long banner was attached,and it was carried in both hands by a huge fat man dripping with perspiration. ❍ 周恩来同志非常关心同志们的健康,经常上楼来看望大家,拉着那些~的青年同志的手,亲切地说:你们是机要人员,是党的上通下达的命脉。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅲ—97) Comrade Zhou Enlai was so concerned about their health that he often went upstairs to see them. Grasping the sweat-soaked youngsters’hands,he told them fondly,“The confidential work you’re doing is the lifeline linking us with the Central Committee and our comrades at lower levels. …”/瑜大惊,汗流满背,便斟酒与云长把盏。(《三国演义》393)The sweat of fear broke out all over Zhou Yu’s body and trickled down his back.Then he poured out a cup of wine and presented it to Guan Yu. ❍ 天热如此,~,……(鲁迅《朝花夕拾·后记》92) It is so hot that sweat is pouring down my back. 汗流浃背sweat all over;be wet with sweat;be soaked (or streaming) with sweat 汗流浃背hàn liú jiá bèi浃:湿透。出汗很多,湿透了脊背。形容浑身大汗,也比喻极其恐惧或非常惭愧。streaming with sweat, in a sweat, all of a sweat, be running with sweat |