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单词 curious
释义 curious /'kjuanas; 'kjunas/ adj 1 ~ (to do sth); ~ (about sth), (in a good sense) eager (to learn/know, etc); interested (in sth): (用在好的意味上)好奇的; 渴望知道的; 对(某事)有兴趣的: ~ about the origin of mankind. 对人顾的每源有兴趣的。 I'm ~ to know what he said. 我极想知道他说了什么。 If a boy is ~, he is always asking questions.— 个男孩若是好奇,就会经常发问。 2 ~ (about sth), meddlesome; having or showing too much interest in the affairs of others: 爱管闲事的; 对他人之事过份感兴趣的: ~ neighbours. 爱管闲事的邻居。 Don't ask so many ~ questions. 不要问这么多关于别人的问题。 Hide it'where ~ eyes won't see it. 它藏在好事者的眼睛看不见的地方。 What is he so ~ about? 他要打听什么人的闲事? 3 strange; unusual; hard to understand: 古怪的; 不寻常的; 难憧的: What a ~ mistake! 多么奇怪的错误! There was a ~ silence. 有一种出乎寻常的洗寂。 isn't he a ~-looking little man! 他岂不是一个相貌奇特的矮人! 4 (rather old use) showing the result of care and attention: (颇旧用法)精细的; 精工的: a jewel of ~ workmanship. 精工琢磨的珠宝。 ~ly adv




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