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单词 气急败坏

气急败坏qì jí bài huài

all in a flutter; be worked up; breathless and excited; breathe hard and look very distraught; burn with a frenzy of rage; flustered and exasperated; fume with rage; furious; utterly discomfited
❍ 且说这桃花山大头领坐在寨里,正欲差人下山来探听叫做女婿的二头领如何,只见数个小喽罗~,走到山寨里,叫道:“苦也!苦也!”(《水浒全传》67) Seated in his stronghold on Peach Blossom Mountain,he was about to send a man down to see how his second in command was getting on with his wedding when a number of brigands,breathing hard and looking very distraught,rushed in,crying:“Woe,woe!”/驸官~地跑下。(曹禺《明朗的天》24) Ma goes out dejectedly.
❍ 匪营长和金老歪~,狗急跳墙,逃跑前还想报复。(石文驹《战地红缨》244) Desperate,the bandit battalion commander and Twist were hastening to take their last revenge.
❍ 黄胡子没捞着什么货儿,没好气地哐当一脚踢碎了门旁的一只酱罐子,~地走了出去。(石文驹《战地红缨》197) Furious at leaving empty handed,Brown Whiskers aimed a flying kick at an earthen jar beside the gate and sent it flying in smithereens as he hurried off.
❍ 过了不大功夫,我父亲~地来了,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》145)Before long my father arrived in a very nervous state.
❍ 前沿阵地上的几个大队长,一个个在无线电话机上,~地向 “太极狼”联队指挥部报告: …… (杨佩瑾《剑》97) The battalion commanders shouted in desperation to the regimental command over the wireless transmitters:…/王惠~地推门进来,面色憔悴,喘息不定,一进门,和正欲下场的方克迎面相值。(夏衍《考验》68) Wang Hui pushes the door open and enters in great haste. She looks pale and worn and is panting. As soon as she enters,she faces Fang Ke who is just going out.
❍ 约摸有烙十张饼的时候,这才~的跑回来,鼻子冻得通红,嘴里一阵一阵的喷着白蒸气。(鲁迅《故事新编》49) He was back in about the time it takes to cook ten pancakes,panting and dismayed,his nose red with cold,his steaming breath coming in gasps.
❍ 金老歪~,象疯狗似的,红着眼珠子,照着那个小洞口,哐哐哐又放了一阵枪。(石文驹《战地红缨》178) Raging,Twist fired into the hole like a red-eyed mad dog.


flustered and exasperated;flurried and furious;utterly discomfited

气急败坏qì jí bài huài

上气不接下气,狼狈不堪的样子。比喻非常慌张或恼怒。utterly discomfited, get exasperated, flustered and exasperated





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