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单词 crunch
释义 crunch /krAntf; krAntf/ vt, vi [VP6A, 2A, C] 1 crush noisily with the teeth when eating: 进食时用牙咬碎嘎扎作响: The dog was ~ing a bone. 那狗在啃一块骨头。 People who ~ peanuts in the cinema can be very annoying. 在电影院里剥食花生的人十分讨厌。 2 crush, be crushed, noisily under one's feet, under wheels, etc: (被) 踩碎或 (被) 碾碎而发碎裂声: The frozen snow ~ed under the wheels of our car. 冻结了的雪在我们的汽车轮下发出碎裂声。 Our feet ~ed the gravel. 我们的脚踏在碎石上沙沙作响。 n the act of ~ing; noise made by ~ing. 踩碎 (声); 碾碎 (声) 。 when it comes to the ~; when the ~ comes, (colloq) when the moment of crisis or decision is reached. (俗) 当紧要关头来临时。




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