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单词 投其所好

投其所好tóu qí suǒ hào

cater to sb’s pleasures(/fancies/liking/vanity/tastes); give sb exactly what he likes; hit on what sb likes; rub sb the right way; strike sb’s fancy; tickle the ear (s) of sb
❍ 他这人喜欢吃顺,车站里的人也就~,说话做事都顺着他的竿子爬。(冯志《敌后武工队》227) He loved flattery,and those at the station catered to him,placing themselves at his beck and call and doing whatever he wanted them to.
❍ 因此我们就要在将计就计中,来一个~。(曲波《林海雪原》370) And so we must come forward with a counter-plan—and give him exactly what he likes.
❍ 特别顾问指示我们的工作原则是,只准分析对方,引诱对方,察言观色,~,严禁好奇打听。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》117) The Special Adviser laid down the principles for our work. He said we should limit ourselves to studying our adversaries,leading them on,observing their speech and behaviour. We should play up to them and on no account ask questions..

投其所好tóu qí suǒ hào

投:迎合。迎合他人的喜好,使其欢心。take one’s fancy, to the liking of, cater to sb.’s likes, hit on what sb. likes, rub sb. the right way, take sb.’s fancy





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