释义 |
毒dúⅠ ❶ (对生物体有害的物质) poison;toxin:服 ~ 自杀 commit suicide by taking poison; 剧 ~ rank poison ❷ (毒品) drug;narcotics:贩 ~ traffic in drugs; 吸 ~ take drugs ❸ (姓氏) a surname:~ 平 Du Ping Ⅱ ❶ (有毒的) poisonous;noxious;poisoned:~ 箭 a poisoned arrow;~ 蜘蛛 poisonous spider ❷ (毒辣;猛烈) malicious;cruel;fierce:~ 打某人 beat sb. mercilessly;beat sb. up; 他的心肠真 ~ ! How cruel he is!;那时太阳正 ~,晒得他汗珠直往下滚。 The sun was at its fiercest and beads of sweat kept rolling down his face. Ⅲ (用毒物害死) kill with poison;poison:把老鼠 ~ 死 poison a rat; 你将不得不用药物把这些讨厌的植物 ~ 死。 You will have to kill these unwanted plants with poison. ◆毒扁豆 {植} Physostigma venenosum;calabar bean; 毒扁豆碱 {有化} eserine;physostigmine;calabarine; 毒草 poisonous weeds;harmful speech,writing,etc.; 毒虫 poisonous insect;noxious insect; 毒打 beat cruelly;beat savagely;beat (sb.) up; 毒蛾 Lymantriid;tussock moth; 毒饵 poison bait;finished bait; 毒谷 poison grains; 毒害 poison (sb.'s mind);infect; 毒化 poison;infect;spoil; 毒剂 toxic agent;toxic;toxicant; 毒计 venomous scheme;deadly trap;insidious scheme;venomous plot;malicious project;wicked plan; 毒酒 poisonous wine; 毒菌 toadstool;toad's-cheese; 毒辣 sinister;diabolic; 毒力 {微} virulence;tox;toxicity; 毒瘤 malignant tumour;cancer; 毒谋 venomous scheme;deadly trap; 毒品 narcotic drugs;narcotics;hard drug;burning rope;poison; 毒气 poison gas;mephitis;war gas;gas; 毒区 contaminated area (in chemical warfare);gassed area; 毒砂 arsenopyrite;mispickel;dalarnite; 毒杀 kill with poison; 毒杀芬 {有化} (有机氯杀虫剂) toxaphene;Clor Chem T 590;Strobane-T;phenatox;Phenacide;Octachlorocamphene;[俄] Polychorcamphene;technical chlorinated camphene; 毒蛇 poisonous [venomous] snake;viper;serpent;toxicophidia; 毒手 violent treachery;murderous scheme;murderous means; 毒死 kill with poison; 毒素 {生} (有机体产生的有毒物质) toxin;(言论或著作中有腐蚀作用的成分) poison; 毒瓦斯 (毒气) poisonous gas;poison gas; 毒物 toxic;toxicant;poison;poisonous substance; 素腺 poison gland; 毒效 toxic effect; 毒刑 cruel corporal punish ̄ment;horrible torture; 毒性 {药} toxicity;virulence;poisonousness; 毒蕈 poisonous fungus;toadstool; 毒牙 poison [venom] fang; 毒药 poisonous substance;poison;toxicant; 毒液 venom; 毒爪 poison claw; 毒汁 venom |