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单词 此起彼伏

此起彼伏此伏彼起;此起彼落;彼伏此起cǐ qǐ bǐ fú

as one falls,another rises; develop wave upon wave; down here,up there; ebb and flow;follow closely one after another; go on wave upon wave; prosper and decline in turn; rise here and subside there; rise one after another; roll on; take place one after another (/wave upon wave)
❍ 蓉、筑、昆、渝学潮、米潮~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》104)Student riots and grain riots are continually flaring up in Chengdu,Guiyang,Kunming and Chongqing.
❍ 拉节目的吆喝声、善意的讽刺话儿此伏彼起,……(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》457) Calls for more numbers,friendly wisecracks,followed one after another.
❍ 宗教战争是向来没有的,从北魏到唐末的佛道二教的此伏彼起,是只靠几个人在皇帝耳朵边的甜言蜜语。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—103)China has had no war fought over religion,and though from the Northern Wei to the end of Tang Dynasty Buddhism and Taoism prospered and de clined in turn,it was all owing to the honeyed words of a few men who whispered in the emperor’s ear.
❍ 既以现在而论,因为政局的不安定,真是~如转轮,……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—56)At present,for instance,since the political situation is unstable,men rise and fall all the time.
❍ 这时候,翻滚着的雪白的浪头小下去,有时候,此起彼落,好象是车间遭受到从西伯利亚来的寒流的侵袭,雪白的浪头遇到寒流马上就冻结了,静止了。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—285) By now the churning white waves were diminishing,sometimes starting and stopping by turns as if the shop were being subjected to a cold blast from Siberia:the momem the white waves met the invading cold they would freeze and stand still.
❍ 一阵阵热烈的口号声此起彼落,山摇地动般响彻在故都古老的天空上。(杨沫《青春之歌》587)The sky above the arlcient capital reverberated to wave after wave of these enthusiastic slogans.

此起彼伏cǐ qǐ bǐ fú

这里起来,那里下去。形容接二连三地起来。rise one after another, down here, up there; go on wave upon wave, rise here and subside there, as one falls,another rises; develop wave upon wave, ebb and flaw, roll on





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