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单词 crazy
释义 crazy /'kreizi; krezi/ adj (-ier, -iest) 1 ~ (about), (colloq) wildly excited or enthusiastic: (俗) 狂热的; 醉心的: He is ~ about skiing. 他醉心于滑雪。 “ m ~ about you, darling. 亲爱的,我爱你爱得发狂。 2 suffering from mental disorder; foolish: 癫狂的; 糊涂的: You were ~ to lend that man your money. 你把钱借给那个人,真糊涂。 It was~ of you to let such a young girl drive your car. 你让这样年轻的女孩驾你的车,真糊涂。 3 (of buildings, etc) unsafe; l 汰 ely to collapse. (指建筑物等) 不安全的; 可能坍塌的。 4 (of quilts, pavements, etc) made up of irregularly shaped pieces fitted together: (指棉被、人行道等) 由形状不规则的块子拼凑成的: ~ paving. 用不规则的石块拼凑成的人行道。 crazily adv craziness n




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