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单词 put
put/pʊt/ vtput, put; -tt-]

(1) 1)放,搁,使位于某处 (move to a certain place or position) [T+n+prep T+n+adv]:~the books on the bookshelf 把书放到书架上;~some sugar in one's coffee/some salt in one's food 在自己的咖啡里放一些糖/食物里放一些盐;~the thief in prison 把小偷关进监狱;~the children to bed 让孩子们去睡觉;~sb across the river 渡某人过河;~the ball in the net 射球入网;~one's hand to one's mouth/in one's pocket 把手放在嘴上/口袋里;~the newspaper down/back 放下/回报纸;〖同〗place,set,lay,deposit; 2) 安放(装) (fit or fix to sth else) [T+n+prep]:~a patch on the trousers 在裤子上打个补丁;~a new lock on the door 在门上装一把新锁;〖同〗fix, place; 〖反〗remove; 3)捅,击 (push or send in a specified direction with force) [T+n+prep]:~a knife between sb's ribs 把刀捅进某人的肋骨间;~one's fist through a plate-glass door 挥拳击破一扇玻璃门;4) 做(标记),签(名) (write down; make a written mark on sth) [T+n+prep T+n+adv]:~one's signature/one's name to a document 在文件上签名;~a mark/a cross opposite each spelling mistake 在每一个拼写错误旁做上记号/打个叉;~one's address here 将地址写在这儿;
 (2)使处于某种状况(cause to be in a certain state or condition) [T+n+prep]:~sb in a very awkward position/a bad mood/good spirit/such a state of anxiety使某人处于尴尬的境地/心情忧郁/心情愉快/如此焦虑;~sb under arrest by the policeman 使某人被警察逮捕;~sb out of action 使某人不能活动;~the books in order 把书摆放整齐;~a satellite into orbit 把卫星送入轨道;〖同〗place,set;
 (3)使归入某类(人或事物) (classify in the specified way) [T+n+prep]:~sb among the greatest artists/in the top rank of modern novelists把某人列入最伟大的艺术家/一流的现代小说家之列;~sb on a par/level with sb else 使某人与另一个人同等重要/处于同一水平;
 (4)表达,说,写,翻译(express or state esp in a particular and exact way) [T+n T+n+prep]: I don't know how to~it. 我不知道如何把它表达出来。His ideas are clearly/cleverly/tactfully~. 他的想法说得很清楚/巧妙/圆滑。That's very well~. 说得很清楚。~complicated thought in simpler words/another way/written form用简单一些的话/另一种方法/书面形式表达复杂的思想;~the novel into French 将这本小说翻译成法文;〖同〗express,state;
 (5)赋予,给予(set give or make) [T+n+prep]:~an end to sth/the blame on sb/one's mind to sth/one's trust in a stranger 结束某事/责怪某人/集中精力做某事/信任一个陌生人;
 (6)投,掷 (铅球等) (throw (esp the shot) as a form of sporting competition) [T+n]:~the shot/the weight 推铅球/掷远;
 not put it past sb (to do sth) 认为某人能做违法的事或坏事(常与would连用)(infml): We wouldn't~it past him to steal money from his own father. 我们认为他会偷他父亲的钱。
 put it on 假装(多用于prog): He wasn't sad really; he was only~ting it on. 他并不是真的悲哀,只不过是装装样子罢了。
 put it to sb that ... 提出……请某人考虑: I~it to you that you have not been telling the complete truth. 我请你注意你一直没有把全部事实讲出来。
 put sb through it 使某人承担费力或讨厌的事 (infml):~sb through it at an interview 在面试时对某人提难以回答的问题;
 put together 加(算)在一起: His share was more than all the others~together. 他的股份比其他所有人的加在一起还多。
 put about (v adv) 传播(散布)(小道消息,谣言等) (vt): I'd like to know who~that rumour about. 我想知道是谁在散布这个谣言。It's being~about that... 据传……
 put sth across sb 1) 欺骗某人相信谎言(infml): Don't think you are going to~that story across us. 你休想用那样的谎言来欺骗我们。2) 使被了解(接受):~the idea/the best qualities of the product/himself across to the public 使这种观念/产品的最优品质/他自己为公众所了解;
 put aside (v adv) 1)放到一边(vt):~the book aside and pick up a magazine 把书放到一边,然后拿起一本杂志; 2)储蓄,(为顾客)保留(商品) (vt):~aside some money for one's retirement 为自己退休存点钱;Would you like us to~the suit aside for you, Mr Leech? 里奇先生,我们为你留下这套衣服好吗?3) 忽视,忘掉(vt):~aside all our differences 把我们的所有分歧都搁到一边;
 put sth at sth 猜测 (估计) (年龄,距离,价格等):~sb's age at about 40估计某人的年龄约为40岁;
 put away (v adv) 1) 关进监狱(疯人院) (vt)(infml)(经常 pass): The criminal was~away for ten years by the judge. 该罪犯被法官判处10年监禁。You can be~away for saying things like that: people will think you're mad! 你说那样的话会被关进疯人院,人们会认为你疯了!2) 收起来,放好(vt):P~the toys away when you've finished playing. 你玩过玩具后要放好。3)储蓄(vt): I've got a little money~away for a rainy day. 我存了一点钱以备不时之需。4) 吃(喝)掉(vt) (infml):~away a whole chicken and five bottles of beer 吃了整整一只鸡还喝了五瓶啤酒;
 put back (v adv) 1)放回原处(vt):~the book/the dictionary/the telephone receiver back 把书/字典/电话听筒放回原处;2) 拨回(钟表的指针)(vt): My watch was fast so I~it back three minutes. 我的表快了,所以我把它拨慢三分钟。3) 推迟(vt):~the meeting/the election/the concert back until/to next month 把会议/选举/音乐会推迟到下个月; 4) 耽搁,使进展缓慢(vt): The fire in the factory/strike~back production by three weeks. 工厂的火灾/罢工使生产耽搁了三个星期。
 put sth before/above sth 使处于更重要的地位: P~ting yourself before anyone else is very selfish. 认为自己比其他任何人都重要是很自私的。~the children's welfare before all other considerations 优先考虑儿童福利;
 put by (v adv) 储蓄(vt): I've managed to~by some money for the holiday. 我已设法为假期攒了点钱。
 put down (v adv) 1)放(下)(vt): P~down that knife before you hurt somebody! 放下那把刀,不然会伤着人!He can't~that novel down. 他对那本小说爱不释手。2) (使)降落(着陆) (vt & vi):~the damaged plane down safely 使损坏的飞机安全着陆;He~down in a field. 他在一片旷野里降落。3)让某人下车(vt): The bus stopped to~down one or two passengers. 公共汽车停下来让一两位乘客下车。4)使丢脸,轻待(vt) (infml): He made an unkind remark, intended to~her down. 他说了一些不客气的话,想羞辱她。5)存放备用(vt): When his grandson was born, the old man~down a case of best wine for the boy's twenty-first birthday. 老人在孙子出生时把一箱最好的酒储藏起来,为孩子过21岁生日用。6)写(记录)下来(vt):~down the following facts 把下列事实写下来;~the particulars down in the notebook 把细节记到笔记本上; 7) 制止,镇压(vt):~down a disturbance/a rebellion/an uprising 制止动乱/镇压叛乱/镇压起义;8)杀掉(年老或生病的动物) (vt) (经常pass): The dog got so old and ill that it was kinder to have him~down than to let him go on suffering. 那条狗太老,又病得很厉害,与其让它继续受罪还不如把它杀掉更人道。
 put down as (v adv prep) 以为是,认为是: As the man had rough hands, I~him down as a farmer. 那个人的手很粗糙,所以我以为他是个农民。~sb's rudeness down as accidental认为某人的粗鲁是偶尔为之;
 put sb down for sth 1) 登记买:~sb down for two tickets for Saturday's film 给某人登记买两张周六的电影票; 2) 为(某人)报名(尤指等待入私立学校):~one's son down for a famous school 为自己的儿子报名上一所著名的学校;
 put sth down to sth 1)使记在(入)账上:~the cost of the petrol down to business expenses 把汽油的费用记在业务开支上;2)使归因于:~the odd weather down to nuclear explosions 认为天气异常是由于核爆炸造成的;
 put forth (v adv) 长出(枝,叶,花等) (vt) (fml):~forth new leaves/new branches/blossoms 长出新叶/新枝条/开花;
 put forward (v adv) 1) 推(自)荐(vt): Several people have been~forward for the position. 已经推荐了几个人担任那个职务。(sb's name) be~forward for inclusion in the Honours List (某人的名字)被列入光荣榜; 2) 拨快(钟表的指针)(vt): My watch was slow so I~it forward two minutes. 我的表慢了,所以我把它拨快两分钟。3)使提前(vt):~forward (the date of) one's wedding by one week 将自己的婚礼(日期)提前一星期;4)提出 (vt):~forward a plan/a view/a suggestion/an argument 提出一项计划/一种观点/一个建议/一个论点;
 put in (v adv) 1) 插嘴,打断(别人的话)(vi):“But I object!” he~in, suddenly and unexpectedly. “但是我反对!”他突然出人意料地插了一句。2)安排某人(在楼房, 办公室内等)工作(vt): The new owner~a man in to look after the building at night. 新房主在楼里安排了一个人守夜。3)选举(某人或政党)执政(vt): We only need four more votes to~our man/our party in. 只要再有四张选票就能让我们的人/政党当选。4)安装(vt): have new central heating system/a new shower~in 安装新的中央供热系统/淋浴器; 5)加(插)进(vt):~in a new character to make the story more interesting 加入一个新角色使故事更有趣;There is no room to~in a single additional word. 连多插入一个词的余地也没有。6)(正式)提出(交)(vt): Did you~in a claim for damages? 你提出赔偿损失的要求了吗? 7)打击,说(vt): The experienced fighter~in a heavy blow which won the match. 这位经验丰富的拳击手重重的一击赢得了比赛的胜利。Could I~in a word? 我能说句话吗?8) (花时间和精力)做(vt):~in an hour's piano practice/gardening every day每天花一小时练习钢琴/做园艺;~in three years' work on this book 花三年时间写这本书; 9) 进港停泊,(船)在某处暂时停留(vi): The ship has just~in at the harbour for repairs. 这条船刚进港停泊准备修理。(ship/boat)~in at several different places along the river (船)在沿河的不同地方停靠;
 put in for (v adv prep) 申请,报名参加 (vt):~in for a job/a transfer/an increase in wages/membership of a club 申请一个工作/调动/增加工资/俱乐部的会员资格;Seventy were~in, but only forty-two passed. 70人报名,但仅有42人通过。
 put sb/sth in for sth 提名(使得到工作或获奖等):~sb in for the post/the scholarship/the reward/the medal 提名某人获职位/奖学金/奖励/奖章;
 put into (v prep) 进港停泊(vt): The ship had to~into the port for supplies. 这条船不得不进港停泊以补充给养。
 put sth into sth (花时间,精力)做:~a lot of time and effort into one's work 在工作上投入大量的时间和精力;~a great deal of work into improving one's German 下很大的功夫提高自己的德语水平;
 put off (v adv) 1)启航(vi): We/The ship~off at last, to the cheers of the crowd. 最后,在人群的欢呼声中,我们/船启航了。2)让(某人)下车(船) (vt): Would you please~me off at the next stop? 请让我在下一站下车好吗?3)推迟(vt):~the meeting/the wedding/the appointment/going to the dentist off 推迟会议/婚礼/约会/去看牙医; 4)取消与……的约会(vt): They had invited friends to supper, but they had to~them off because the baby was sick. 他们已邀请朋友们去吃晚饭,但因为孩子病了,只好取消。5)使不喜欢(不高兴,厌恶)(vt): She has been~off by his rude remarks. 他粗鲁的话使她很不高兴。6) 打扰,使分心(vt): The singer was~off by the loud noise outside, and was unable to continue. 这位歌手被外面的噪音打扰得无法继续唱下去。7) 关掉(vt):~the lights/radio/central heating off 把灯/收音机/暖气关掉;
 put sb off sth 1) 打扰,使分心: Don't talk; it~s me off her game. 别说话了,我无法看她的比赛了。2)使对……失去兴趣: The smell of his cigarette~me off my food/finishing my meal. 他的香烟的气味让我不想吃东西/无法把饭吃完。
 put on (v adv) 1) 穿,戴(vt):~on a dark grey suit/one's best clothes/gloves/a hat/glasses 穿上一套深灰色的衣服/穿上自己最好的衣服/戴上手套/戴上帽子/戴上眼镜; 2)搽,抹(vt): She~s on too much face powder. 她脸上的粉搽得太多了。Mary's just~ting on her lipstick. 玛丽正在擦口红。3) 开(灯,收音机等),操作(vt):~on the light/the radio/the oven/the electric fire/the television/the computer 开灯/收音机/烤箱/电炉/电视机/计算机;He~on the brakes suddenly. 他忽然踩刹车。4)放(唱片,音乐等)(vt):~on a record/a tape/some music 放唱片/放录音/放点音乐; 5)长胖(高),增重(vt): How much weight did you~on over Christmas? 圣诞节期间你体重增加了多少?If he~on another inch, he won't be able to wear this jacket. 他要是再长高一英寸就穿不了这件夹克了。6)增加(车次,航班)(vt):~on some extra coaches/trains/flights during the holiday period 在节日期间增加一些长途汽车/火车/飞机班次;7) 上演,展出(vt): They're~ting on Hemlet next week. 他们下周上演《哈姆雷特》。8)拨快(钟,表)(vt): I must~my watch on three minutes; it's running slow. 我的表慢了,我得把它拨快三分钟。9) 假装(vt): He~on an innocent look, but we all knew that it was false. 他装出一副无辜的样子,但我们都知道那是假的。
 put sth on sth 1) 加价: This will~another seven pence a gallon on petrol. 这会使汽油价格每加仑上涨七个便士。2)对……征税: What'll the government be~ting a tax on next? 政府接着又要对什么征税了呢?3) 在……押赌注: How much is he prepared to~on this horse? 他准备在这匹马上下多少赌注?
 put sb on to/onto sb/sth 1)帮助(某人)找(见)到,使与……接通(尤指电话):~sb onto a good accountant/lawyer/dentist 帮某人找到一位好的会计师/律师/牙医;I'll~you onto the man in charge; he may be able to help. 我给你接通负责人的电话,他也许能帮助你。2)向……告发……: Who~the police on to our plan? 谁向警察告发了我们的计划?3)向某人推荐(尤指有趣的或好的事物): He~us on to this superb restaurant. 他向我们推荐了这家上好的餐馆。
 put out (v adv) 1)不怕麻烦(与反身代词连用)(vt) (infml): be always ready to~oneself out to help others 总是乐于帮助别人而不嫌麻烦;2)使失去知觉(vt): The champion~his opponent out in the fourth round. 这位冠军在第四轮将对手打晕过去。Those tablets will~him out for two hours. 那些药片能使他麻醉两个小时。3) 使感到不便(麻烦)(vt): Are you sure it won't~you out if I stay to dinner? 我留下来吃晚饭真的不给你添麻烦吗?4)使生气,冒犯(vt): She was~out by his rude behaviour. 他粗鲁的举止使她不快。5)放到屋外(vt): If it turns fine, I shall~the washing out. 如果天气转晴,我就把洗的东西晾到外面去。6)摆放出来(以供使用)(vt): She left a meal~out for him in the kitchen. 她把他的饭留在厨房里。7)长出(新枝叶,花蕾等)(vt):~out some new branches/early shoots 长出一些新枝条/嫩芽;8)生产(vt):~out 2000 new cars every month 每月生产2000辆新车;(engine)~out more than 1000 horsepower (发动机)产生1000多马力; 9) 发出,出版,广播 (vt):(sinking ship)~out a call for help over its radio (正在下沉的船)发出无线电求救信号;The publishers~out sixty new books last month. 出版商上个月出版了60种新书。the news of the invasion~out by the BBC 英国广播公司广播的关于侵略的消息;10)使熄灭,扑灭(vt):~a candle/light/fire/cigarette/pipe out 把蜡烛/灯/火/香烟/烟斗熄灭;The firemen~out the blaze. 消防队员扑灭了大火。11)关掉(vt):~out the lamp/the gas fire 关掉电灯/煤气炉;12)使(身体某个部位)脱臼(错位)(vt): He~his shoulder/his knee out digging his garden. 他在给花园松土时把肩膀/膝盖弄脱臼了。13) 使不准确(vt): That one little mistake~the whole calculation out. 那个小小的错误使得整个计算都不准确。14) 使工作由他人或其他厂家做(vt): They had to~the work out to other factories,to fulfil the contract on time. 为了按时履行合同,他们不得不把活交给其他厂家去干。15)贷(款)(vt):~out one's savings/money at a high rate of interest 把自己的积蓄/钱以高利率借出;16)启航(vi):~out to sea 启航出海;~out from Liverpool 从利物浦启航;
 put through (v adv) 1) 实现,顺利完成(vt):~through a mass literacy programme 实现一项全民扫盲计划;~through a business deal 顺利完成一笔交易;2) 接通电话(vt):~sb/a call through to the manager/the hospital/this number/London 将某人/电话接通到经理/医院/这个号码/伦敦;
 put sb through sth 1) 使经受:~sb through a severe examination/some hard training/a lot of pain 使某人经受严格的检查/某种艰苦的训练/很多痛苦;2) 供……上学: He managed to~each of his five children through boarding school. 他设法供他的五个孩子都上了寄宿学校。
 put sb/sth to sth 1) 使经(遭)受: You can't imagine the trouble I've been~to by the police. 你简直无法想象警察给我找的麻烦。~sb to great inconvenience/expense 给某人造成极大的不便/开销;2)提交:~a proposal to the committee 向委员会提交一份建议;3)向……提问题:~a question to sb 向某人提一个问题;4) 交付表决: I propose that the matter be~to the vote, Mr Chairman. 主席先生,我建议就这件事进行表决。
 put together (v adv) 装配,组装,组(凑)成(vt): It's easier to take a machine/a radio to pieces than to~it together again. 拆散一台机器/收音机要比把它重新组装起来容易得多。~a team/a meal/a sentence together 组成一个队/凑成一顿饭/组成一个句子;
 put up (v adv) 1)进行战斗(反抗等) (vt):~up a fight/a struggle/resistance 进行战斗/斗争/反抗; 2)留(某人)过夜(住宿)(vt): Could you~me up for the night? 能留我过夜吗?I can~up two adults, but no children. 我能安排两个大人住宿,但不能带孩子。3) (在某处)食宿,住宿(vi): He always~s up at that hotel when he's in town. 他进城时总是吃住在那家旅馆。4)提名(某人)竞选(担任职务)(vt): The Liberals are~ting him up again for the election. 自由党又一次提名他参加竞选。I'd like to~him up as the best person for the chairmanship. 我愿意提名他作为主席的最佳人选。5) 参加竞选(vt & vi): He's~ting (himself) up for election to the committee. 他正参加那个委员会的竞选。6)举(挂)起(vt):P~up your hand if you think you know the answer. 如果你认为你知道答案,请把手举起来。~up a picture/a flag/a curtain 挂起一幅画/一面旗/一块幕布;(girl)~her hair up (女孩)把头发盘上头顶; 7) 建(搭,竖)起(vt):~up a supermarket/a new house/a memorial/a tent/a shed/a fence 建起一个超级市场/建起一幢新房/建起一座纪念碑/搭起一顶帐篷/搭起一个棚子/竖起一道篱笆; 8)张贴,张榜公布(vt):~up an advertisement/a poster/a notice/the examination results 张贴广告/张贴海报/张贴通知/张榜公布考试结果; 9)提高,增加(vt): The government has promised that taxes will not be~up again this year. 政府已经许诺今年不再增加税收。10)出资(钱)(vt): When they'd spent that huge sum, we~up another half million. 他们花光了那一大笔钱,于是我们又拿出了50万。11)提出(vt): We're going to~up anther proposal at the meeting. 我们要在会上提出另一个建议。
 put sb up to sth 怂恿做(坏事):~sb up to a silly trick like that/cheating 怂恿某人耍那样愚蠢的花招/作弊;
 put up with (v adv prep) 容忍,忍受(vt): My mother simply wouldn't~up with him/his behaviour. 我母亲对他/他的行为简直不能容忍。
 →′put-down n 侮辱人的话,责骂;(飞机的)降落;′put-upon adj (指人)受虐待的,受剥削的;





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