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单词 横征暴敛

横征暴敛héng zhēng bào liǎn

levy exorbitant taxes extort (excessive) taxes and levies; impose heavy taxation
❍ 然而,实际上却~,贪污杀戮,压迫民众,反对“世界上以平等待我之民族,”甚至去和民族的敌人妥协,投降敌人。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》16)…in actual fact they bleed the people while with taxes,practise corruption and slaughter,oppress the masses,are opposed to “those nations who treat us as equals”,and go so far as to compromise with or surrender to the national enemy.
❍ 严知孝说: “~,苛捐杂税,你征我伐,到什么时候是个完哪?……”(梁斌《红旗谱》197) “When is it all going to end?” demanded Yan.“Cruel levies and taxes,endless civil war. …”/这些财富,都是蒋介石等利用其独裁权力~、假公济私而来的。(《毛泽东选集》1133) Chiang Kai-shek and his like made these fortunes by using their dictatorial powers to extort taxes and levies and promote their private interests under the guise of serving the public.
❍ 由于长期战乱,官军纪律败坏,烧杀淫掠,官府~,加上各种天灾人祸,农业生产受到极大破坏,人民死亡流离,往往村落为墟,人烟断绝。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—773) Because of incessant wars,pillaging by government troops,heavy government taxation and natural disasters,all North China and the Yellow River Valley provinces had their rural economy ruined. People either died of starvation or became refugees,and villages were deserted.


extort excessive taxes and levies;levy heavy or exorbitant taxes

横征暴敛hénɡ zhēnɡ bào liǎn

横:蛮横、强暴、凶狠;征:征税;敛:聚敛。强横残暴地征收苛捐杂税。extort excessive taxes and levies, extortionate measures, extort illegal taxes





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