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单词 public
public/′pʌblik/ adj & n

adj (1) 1)公众的 (of or concerning people in general) [无comp][尤作attrib]: a matter of~importance/knowledge 公众的大事/人人皆知的事;a danger to~safety/health 对公众安全/健康的危害;an eminent figure in~life 社会生活中的一位杰出人物;~expenditure/interest/affairs/enemy 公众事业开支/公众利益/公共事务/公敌;increase~awareness of sth 提高公众对某事的认识;attract significant~support 引起大量公众的支持;P~opinion turned against him. 公众舆论转而反对他。The~mood was optimistic and excited. 公众的情绪既乐观又激动。He is running for~office. 他在竞选公职。〖同〗common, general, popular, social; 〖反〗private, personal, individual; 2)为公众的, 公用的 (provided for the use of everyone; not private) [无comp][尤作attrib]: a~library/highway/road/place/garden/telephone 公共图书馆/公路/公共道路/公共场所/公园/公用电话;a~bar 小酒吧;a~company (亦作~limited company) 将股票出售给公众的公司;a~convenience/house 公厕/酒馆;a~nuisance 妨害公众罪(犯);~ownership/relations 公有(制)/公共关系(工作);a~prosecutor 检察官;P~Record Office (BrE) 公共档案查询处;a~relations officer 公关人员;a~school (BrE) 公学(贵族化私立学校);(其他国家)免费的公立学校;~spirit 公益精神;~spirited 热心公益的;~utility 公用事业公司;~education/transport/spending/welfare agency 公共教育/交通/开支/福利机构;The zoos and gardens are~. 动物园和公园是公用的。go~(指公司)在股市挂牌上市;3)知名的 (known about by many people because of being mentioned in newspapers and on television very often): a~figure 知名人士;a figure in~life 社会知名人士;

(2)公开的,众所周知的(open or known to general people; not secret or private): a~admission of guilt 公开认罪;make a~statement 发表公开声明;hold a~meeting 召开公众大会;make~the news of the ruler's death/one's findings 公布统治者去世的消息/自己的研究结果;(place) be too~for talk about sb's personal affairs (地方)太公开不适合谈论某人的私事;The matter became~. 这件事已经公开了。〖同〗disclosed,open; 〖反〗secret,private,unknown,hidden;

in the public eye 经常在公众(媒体)中露面的,广为人知的: magazines that do their best to ruin the reputation of everyone in the~eye 竭尽全力败坏每个人名声的杂志;

public property 1)公共财产;2)公众性的(人或事):(sb's financial problems) be~property (某人的财务困难)人人皆知;

→′publicly adv 公开地;pub′licity n 公开;宣传;广告;′publicize, -ise vt 宣传;公布;做……广告;′publican n BrE 酒店或客栈的老板;͵publi′cation n 发表,公布;出版,发行;出版物;′publicist n 国际法专家;(报纸等的)时事评论员;广告员;宣传员;′publish v;

n(1)公(民)众 (people in general)[Gp the~]: the American/British~美/英国公众;make sth known to the general~使某事众所周知;The museums/The town gardens are open to the~. 这些博物馆/城市的花园对公众开放。The~are not admitted. 一般民众不得擅入。The~is/are requested not to litter in the park. 公众勿在公园里抛弃废物。〖同〗people,everyone,society;

(2)(有共同兴趣的)一群人 (section of people having a particular interest in common) [Gp]: a movie-/theatre-going~经常看电影/戏剧的人;the reading~读者群;The television~is increasing. 电视观众日益增多。The famous singer has an admiring~. 那著名的歌唱家有一群仰慕者。keep one's~保持自己的读者群;

in public 公开地,在公众面前: Opinions of that kind are best kept to yourself, and not voiced in~. 那种观点最好自己保留,不要公开说出来。






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